Tips and tricks

What is the difference between dissatisfaction and no satisfaction?

What is the difference between dissatisfaction and no satisfaction?

To be dissatisfied is to have a lack of contentment or happiness in regards to something. Unsatisfied, on the other hand, simply means to not be satisfied, as in the meaning of being unfulfilled or having unmet obligations. A person may feel dissatisfied or unsatisfied, but a contract may only be unsatisfied.

Is it satisfied or unsatisfied?

The prefix “un-” negates the adjective “satisfied” – unsatisfied means “not satisfied” or “not fulfilled,” as in having unfulfilled or unmet obligations or expectations. A contract can only be unsatisfied. Timothy was notified that he had unsatisfied course requirements for his undergraduate degree.

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What’s another word for not satisfied?

What is another word for not satisfied?

dissatisfied discontented
disgruntled displeased
irritated annoyed
disappointed exasperated
irked unhappy

What is dissatisfied customer?

A dissatisfied customer is one who feels a business did not provide a product or service as expected. Angry customers’ feelings run much deeper. These customers feel betrayed by the company, believing the company violated the norms or ethics of a customer-company relationship.

What is between satisfied and dissatisfied?

To be unsatisfied is simply to be less than fully satisfied. The same event might leave one person actively annoyed (dissatisfied), but another person merely less than 100\% happy (unsatisfied). Unsatisfied is a negation of the adjective satisfied, which means fulfilled or content.

What is the sentence of dissatisfied?

Dissatisfied sentence example. The Emperor was dissatisfied with him. Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with what he was doing. The army, at the end of the war, was justly dissatisfied with its treatment.

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What type of word is dissatisfied?

dissatisfied used as an adjective: Feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment.

What part of speech is dissatisfied?

What is the difference between not satisfied and not satisfied?

Greetings, Quora Bot. “Not satisfied” and “unsatisfied” are definitive qualifiers: they are the opposite of “satisfied” which is the feeling that something is adequate. “Dissatisfied” is similar but its use allows for more or less negativity towards the thing being judged. e.g.

Are unhappy and dissatisfied the same word?

Unhappy is an obvious one, but we also have angry, annoyed, unsatisfied, and dissatisfied, as well as many others. Aren’t unsatisfied and dissatisfied basically the same word, though? They share the same root, but they have different prefixes. And, in this case, the prefixes make all the difference in the world.

What does it mean to be unsatisfied with something?

To be unsatisfied is simply to be less than fully satisfied. The same event might leave one person actively annoyed (dissatisfied), but another person merely less than 100\% happy (unsatisfied). Unsatisfied is a negation of the adjective satisfied, which means fulfilled or content.

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What is the meaning of satisfy?

Satisfy may mean “to make happy,” “to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty),” “to meet a financial obligation to,” or “to make reparation to (an injured party).” If you are uncertain as to which to use, employ dissatisfied with human subjects, and unsatisfied with either human or nonhuman, trusting, as always, your ear above all else.