Tips and tricks

What is the default WordPress password?

What is the default WordPress password?

Default WordPress Login

Field Value
username admin
password password

How long can a WordPress password be?

WordPress recommends a password be more than six characters in length. However, if you want to ensure that passwords be as un-crackable as possible, require something longer. 10 to 50 characters should do.

Where is WordPress database password?

You will want to login to your site via your iThemes Hosting Sync panel, navigate to the Hosting section and select the drop-down to display your hosting information. From there, under the Database Information section, you will find the Edit DB Password option.

What is the default password vagrant?

Edit: According to the Vagrant documentation, there is usually a default password for the user vagrant which is vagrant .

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How do I find out my WordPress password?

Open the plugin Interface in the wordpress admin and click on “Add new”. In the Search box enter “Show User Password” and hit Enter.

How do I log into WordPress without a password?


  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard. Locate Plugins -> Add New.
  2. Search Temporary Login Without Password plugin using the search option.
  3. Find the plugin and click Install Now button.
  4. After installation, click on the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.

What is the average password length?

9.6 characters
Most of the passwords (61\%) were right at the password limit, either 8 or 9 characters long. The average length was 9.6 characters, and the average password consisted of 1.1 upper-case letters, 6.1 lower-case letters, 2.2 numbers and 0.2 special characters.

What is the recommended password length?

In most environments, an eight-character password is recommended because it’s long enough to provide adequate security and still short enough for users to easily remember. A minimum password length greater than 14 isn’t supported at this time. This value will help provide adequate defense against a brute force attack.

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How do I find my WordPress admin password?

Go to your WordPress login page ( Click on Lost your password? at the bottom. Enter the Username or E-mail of your WordPress admin user, then click on Get New Password.

What are the security requirements for a WordPress password?

WordPress Password Security Basics. Your WordPress password should meet the following requirements: Include numbers, capitals, special characters (@, #, *, etc.) Be long (10 characters – minimum; 50 characters – ideal) Can include spaces and be a passphrase (Just don’t use the same password in multiple places)

How can I enforce strong WordPress passwords for users?

In this section you can configure the following password policies to enforce your users to use strong WordPress passwords: 1 Password minimum length 2 Use of both lowercase and uppercase letters in passwords 3 Use of numbers in passwords 4 Use of special characters in passwords More

How often should I Change my WordPress password?

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WordPress Password Expiration. With iThemes Security Pro plugin, you can enable WordPress password expiration. We recommend changing passwords every 120 days, or 4 months, and with this setting, you can force users to change their passwords after a certain number of days.

How do I set up a password with a longer length?

For setting longer minimum length requirements for different sets of users, you can use Fine Grained Password Policies (FGPP). Beginning in Windows 2012, FGPP also supports minimum lengths longer than 14 characters. Creating a FGPP used to involve going into ADSIEdit and manually creating a Password Settings Container object there.