
What is the connective link between mammals and reptiles?

What is the connective link between mammals and reptiles?

Archaeopteryx. Hint: Duck-billed platypus is the connecting link between reptiles and mammals, as it has both reptiles and mammals’ features.

What is the connective link between reptiles and birds?

Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between reptiles and birds.

What animal is the missing link between reptiles and mammals?

the platypus
Thought to have begun to diverge from other mammals 170m years ago, the platypus has been regarded as the nearest thing biologists have to a missing link between the earliest reptiles and mammals.

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Which animal is called a connecting link between reptiles and mammals Brainly?

The duck billed platypus. It is the connective link between reptiles and mammals. It has reptilian features, such as it lays eggs.

What is the connecting link between birds and mammals?

Birds and modern day reptiles came from Sauropsids, while mammals came from Synapsids. Mammals too evolved from reptiles so Platypus and Echidna are the connecting link here…

What is connecting link?

Connecting link is an organism having characteristics of two different group of organisms e.g, duck-billed platypus ( scientific name Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a connecting link between reptiles and mammals i.e, it has mammary glands to feed its young ones like other mammals e.g human being, cow, buffalo etc., and …

What is the missing link in evolution?

missing link, hypothetical extinct creature halfway in the evolutionary line between modern human beings and their anthropoid progenitors. In the latter half of the 19th century, a common misinterpretation of Charles Darwin’s work was that humans were lineally descended from existing species of apes.

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Which animal is connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda?

The body of Peripatus shows certain structures that are similar to annelids and other structures found in arthropods. Therefore, they are regarded as the connecting link between Annelids and Arthropods.

Which of the following is a connecting link between arthropods and reptiles?

Ornithorhyncus is a primitive mammal. It lays egg like reptiles but the young ones are nursed on milk produced in female animals body. Peripatus is a connecting link between arthropods and worms. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between birds and reptiles.

Do mammals really descend from reptiles?

In fact, ancient ‘reptiles’ themselves show a variety of arrangements, and rather awkwardly for evolution theory, the reptiles from which mammals are supposed to have descended were synapsids, not diapsids. Modern mammals (including humans) have no obvious fenestrae at all – an indication that they do not descend from synapsid reptiles.

Is a platypus a mammal or reptile?

The duck billed platypus. It is the connective link between reptiles and mammals. It has reptilian features, such as it lays eggs. And it also has mammalian features, such as suckling its young ones.

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Did mammals descend from diapsids or synapsids?

Rather awkwardly for evolution theory, the reptiles from which mammals are supposed to have descended were synapsids, not diapsids. Modern mammals (including humans) have no obvious fenestrae at all – an indication that they do not descend from synapsid reptiles. Once a synapsid, it seems, always a synapsid.