
What is the cause of the gap between the rich and poor in Latin America?

What is the cause of the gap between the rich and poor in Latin America?

The Nature of the Problem. As you’ve learned in this unit, the income gap in Latin America has many causes, some of which reflect the impact of colonialism in the region. There are three angles to exploring the income gap: it is a moral issue, an economic dilemma, and a political problem.

What are 2 effects of European colonization on Latin America?

When Europeans came to Latin America they brought many crops and ideas, but they also brought many deadly diseases to the previously isolated communities. That natives of Latin America had no immunity to these diseases, so the spread quickly and killed many.

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What effect does the wide gap between the rich and the poor have in Latin American countries?

What effect does the wide gap between the rich and the poor have in Latin American countries? The huge gap between the rich and poor caused a big divide in mega-cities whilst some were living glamorously in high rise condos right underneath them people were living in shacks.

Why is Latin America a region?

The strict definition of ‘Latin America’ is the region of the Americas where Latin languages are spoken (Spanish, Portuguese and French). These countries have more in common with each other, sharing elements of historical experience, language and culture, than they do with North America.

Why do people in Latin America have mixed opinions of the United States quizlet?

What challenges did governmetns is Latin America face? Why do people in Latin America have mixed reactions to the US? They view eachother in very different ways and they don’t agree with eachother’s governments. Why did the military restore civillan rule in Argentina?

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Why is the US so much richer than Latin America?

Cotton made up more than half of the value of US exports in the mid-1800’s. Slavery and Native American land were crucial for the growth of the US economy, but they can’t be the most important explanation for why the US is so much richer than Latin America, for one simple reason.

Why are some American countries rich and others poor?

Our best clue for why some American countries are rich and others poor comes from history. A key factor in determining the prosperity of any part of the Americas is who conquered it back in the 1500’s and 1600’s.

Is there too much inequality in Latin America?

The development community has long been concerned with the level — and the persistence — of income inequality in Latin America. Only Africa rivals that region when it comes to having a few people who are very, very rich — and a lot of people who are very, very poor. Concept and copyright by The Globalist.

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How did Latin America’s economy change over time?

Latin Americans imported even more slaves and took others’ land—but they weren’t able to exploit these resources as effectively. Over time, the US industrialized and combined with its enormous size that was enough to overtake Britain’s economy by the 1900’s.