
What is the blast radius of a 1 kiloton bomb?

What is the blast radius of a 1 kiloton bomb?

In a typical air burst, where the blast range is maximized to produce the greatest range of severe damage, i.e. the greatest range that ~10 psi (69 kPa) of pressure is extended over, is a GR/ground range of 0.4 km for 1 kiloton (kt) of TNT yield; 1.9 km for 100 kt; and 8.6 km for 10 megatons (Mt) of TNT.

What would happen if you detonated a nuke in space?

If a nuclear weapon is exploded in a vacuum-i. e., in space-the complexion of weapon effects changes drastically: First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely. There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself.

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How are nuclear bombs measured?

A nuclear weapon’s explosive power is measured in yield, which is expressed in tons of TNT. Fission, or atomic bombs, can be as small as one kiloton (KT) of explosive power or as large as several hundred kilotons. They are expressed in millions of tons of TNT or megatons (MT).

What is the blast radius of a 20 megaton nuclear bomb?

260 meters
The first atomic blast was a fraction the size of the Tsar Bomba, but it was still an explosion of almost unimaginable size. According to the NukeMap, a weapon with a 20-kiloton yield produces a fireball with a radius of 260 meters, making its total width the size of 5 football fields.

What was the size of the Hiroshima bomb?

This gun-type uranium bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, weighed 9,700 pounds. The bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 AM. A B-29 dropped the bomb from 31,000 feet. The bomb exploded about 1,500 feet above the city with a force of 15,000 tons of TNT.

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What is the explosive yield of a nuclear weapon?

The explosive yield of a nuclear weapon is the amount of energy released when that particular nuclear weapon is detonated, usually expressed as a TNT equivalent (the standardized equivalent mass of trinitrotoluene which, if detonated, would produce the same energy discharge), either in kilotons…

What is the blast yield of a fertilizer bomb?

As a comparison, the blast yield of the GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb is 0.011 kt, and that of the Oklahoma City bombing, using a truck-based fertilizer bomb, was 0.002 kt. Most artificial non-nuclear explosions are considerably smaller than even what are considered to be very small nuclear weapons.

What would happen if a 300 kt nuclear warhead was launched?

A 300 kT warhead would within a millionth of a second release 300 trillion calories of energy primarily in the form of intense light. The surrounding air would be superheated and create a rapidly expanding fireball.

How far away from a nuclear explosion would a fireball explode?

At a distance of 5.35 miles from the detonation, the light flash from the fireball would deliver twice the thermal energy experienced at the edge of the mass fire at Hiroshima.