What is the best day to send out a press release?

What is the best day to send out a press release?

Thursday between 10 am – 2 pm is generally considered to be the ideal time and day to send out a release, as it has the biggest chance of being opened; if it contains relevant news, you can have it published in no time.

How do you write a press release for a past event?


  1. Start out strong and succinct.
  2. Use active voice.
  3. Identify a point person where readers can direct their inquiries.
  4. Use a professional tone without jargon in your writing.
  5. Tell an interesting story with your press release.
  6. Send the press release out in a timely fashion.

How do you write a virtual event for a press release?

  1. Press Release Writing for Virtual Conference Promotion.
  2. Set up your Writing Stack.
  3. Define your 5 “W”s.
  4. Write in an Active, Personable Tone of Voice.
  5. Clearly Highlight Dates & Deadlines.
  6. Keep it Short and On Point.
  7. In Conclusion.
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Is it legal to backdate legal documents?

Backdating legal documents is frequently permissible. However, under other circumstances, it can be fraudulent or illegal. This article discusses when legal documents might be backdated and how legally to do so when it is appropriate.

Can a document be backdated to make it accurate?

Sometimes a document must be backdated to make it accurate. For instance, suppose that a vendor begins supplying its product under a proposed contract, only to later discover that the customer never signed the contract.

Why do you need to write a press release?

Here are the top reasons why you need to write a press release: 1. Garners attention and awareness Journalists and media outlets have far more reach than your business alone, so it makes sense to use press releases to garner more attention and awareness.

How can parties disclose that they are Backdating a document?

An “as of” date is not the only way that parties can disclose that they are backdating a document. In a contract or resolution, the recitals [1] can tell the story, including the backdating. Consider the following sample: