What is the average age of a college graduate?

What is the average age of a college graduate?

People of all ages attend college because college doesn’t discriminate age-wise. The average for those graduating with a bachelor’s degree is around 25 years old, however, most people graduate with a bachelor’s degree at 22 years old.

Do Jobs know if you went to college?

Sometimes, a hiring manager may ask you to present your diploma, so they can keep a copy of it in your file. Other applications can require you to submit or order a sealed transcript. Another way a hiring manager may authenticate your education is by contacting the schools or universities that you attended.

Is going back to school in your 30s worth it?

Although the idea of going back to finish your degree or earning a new degree can be overwhelming—and even a bit scary—it’s worth it in the long run. The good news is that mature students (in their 30s and beyond) are actually perfectly positioned to earn their college degree.

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How many college graduates are underemployed in their first job?

12. 43\% of college graduates are underemployed in their first job. Underemployment is the number that represents the percentage of graduates working in positions that do not require a college degree. If at least 50\% of people in a certain occupation have a bachelor’s degree, that position is classified as a college job.

How long does it take to get a job after graduation?

In fact, we found that among those who found their first job in their field of study, nearly 90\% had a job in their chosen field within six months of graduating. Unsurprisingly, graduates who currently work in a field that is different from their college major found it harder to start their careers.

Are new grads getting the jobs they want faster?

Similarly, the only graduation years where over 60\% of college graduates surveyed said they had a job or job offer before graduating were 2018 and 2019, meaning new grads are able to find the jobs they want both more frequently and faster than older grads.

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Are men more likely to have a job after college?

First, we found that men are 13\% more likely to have a job after college in their chosen field of study.