
What is the affirmative sentence of I am not sure now?

What is the affirmative sentence of I am not sure now?

Negative: I am not so sure, now. Affirmative: I am unsure now.

How do you turn a sentence into affirmative?

Change into the affirmative

  1. A griffin is not as rapacious as him.
  2. No other poet is as great as Wordsworth.
  3. No sooner did he come than he started creating trouble.
  4. No other mountain in the world is so high as Mount Everest.
  5. He is not always wise.
  6. I didn’t notice his presence in the room.

Can anyone bear such an insult begin no one?

No one can bear such an insult. Explanation: An assertive sentence is one that asserts a fact or proposition. It can be affirmative or negative.

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Can I ever forget you make it negative?

Answer: It’s already a negative sentence.

How do you change a negative?

Negative sentences are typically formed by adding the word “not” after the helping verb. The most popular helping verbs are a form of “to be,” including “am,” “is,” “are,” “was” and “were.”

How do you change negative to assertive?

Change negative into affirmative

  1. Rahul did not attend the conference yesterday.
  2. Shalini does not have a car.
  3. Urmila does not want to be an architect.
  4. Gautam did not drop out of school.
  5. Shiva did not participate in the tour.
  6. This shopkeeper does not sell eggs.
  7. We did not create any problems.
  8. She does not have a job.

How do you change a sentence to a negative?

How do you make a sentence affirmative without changing the meaning?

Make the following sentence Affirmative without change of meaning. Negative: I am not so sure, now. Negative: I am not so sure, now. Affirmative: I am unsure now.

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What is the positive form of “I am sure now”?

The truth or the positive statements are termed as affirmative sentence. So if we remove the word “not” from this sentence, it will be converted as affirmative sentence, which will be stated as “I am sure now”. So the positive form or affirmative form of the given statement is “I am sure now” .

Should the ‘not’ in the negative sentences be removed to convert?

The ‘not’ in the negative sentences should be removed to convert them into affirmative sentences. • Negative: No one could deny that she is pretty. • Affirmative: Every one accepts that she is pretty.

How to interact between affirmative and negative sentences?

Rules for Interchanging of Affirmative and Negative Sentences: 1 Use a Negative Word + Opposite Word of the Main Word: With the help of the opposite of the main word of the sentence. The main word is usually an 2 Use “None but”: 3 Use “Nothing but”: 4 Use “Not more than”. 5 Use “No sooner…than”.