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What is Tetravalency of carbon Class 10?

What is Tetravalency of carbon Class 10?

Carbon atom has 4 electrons in valence shell. So it will complete its octet by sharing its four valence electrons with other atoms. Carbon forms four covalent bonds by sharing valence electrons. This is called as tetravalency of carbon.

What is Tetravalency explain?

Tetravalency: Carbon can neither lose nor gain electrons to attains octet. Thus it shares four electrons with other atoms. This characteristics of carbon by virtue of which it forms four covalent bonds, is called Tetravalency of carbon.

Why is carbon called tetravalent?

The valency of carbon is four because one carbon atom requires 4 electrons to achieve the nearest inert gas configuration. Carbon is considered tetravalent because it has four electrons in its outermost orbital.

What is Catenation and Tetravalency?

Catenation is the self-linking property of carbon i.e carbon atoms form bonds with another carbon atom while tetravalency is the property of carbon atom to combine with another atom of another element i.e carbon atoms form bonds with atoms of other elements.

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What are the examples of Tetravalency?

In chemistry,tetravalency is the state of atom with 4 valence electrons,available for covalent chemical bonding. in methane ,tetravalent carbon .. make bond with 4 oxygen atoms. oxidation – in general form ,loss of electron is oxidation.

What is the atomic symbol of carbon?


How do you explain the Tetravalency of carbon from valence bond theory VBT )?

Tetravalence of Carbon It has 4 valence electrons, so the probability of formation of four bonds is maximum. The bonds formed by the s orbital electrons will not be the same as that of p orbital electrons. So in the formation of one molecule of CH4, there will be a combination of 1 C atom with 4 H atoms.

What is a trivalent carbon?

Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry – Trivalent. Trivalent: An atom having three covalent bonds. In this molecule the hydrogen atom and chlorine atoms are monovalent, the oxygen atom is divalent, the nitrogen atom is trivalent, and the carbon atom is tetravalent.

Why carbon is tetravalent instead of divalent?

Because its atomic number is 6 and thus it has 4 electrons in its valence shell. Carbon can either donate all 4 electrons to another atom and become stable or it can accept 4 electron and become stable. Either ways 4 is the magic number. Hence it is called Tetravalent.

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What is catenation property of carbon?

Catenation is the ability of carbon to form long chains. They form tetravalent bonds, which means that 1 carbon atom forms bonds with 4 other carbon atoms. Now, this structure can be repeated endlessly without disturbing the stability of the bonds or the compounds formed, so they have a repeatable structure.

What are the valencies of carbon?

Now, we know that the number of electrons in the outermost shell of carbon is 4. In order to achieve the noble gas configuration of the nearest noble gas, carbon makes four bonds with hydrogen. Therefore, the valency of carbon is 4.

Why does carbon have the symbol C?

Not much to say other than it’s the chemical symbol for carbon. It’s from the latin, carbo, meaning coal. It’s just a convenient way of denoting carbon atoms in a chemical compound or molecule. CH4 conveys the structure of methane, without having to explain what “methane” means.

What is the valence tetravalence of carbon?

Tetravalence of Carbon is the ability to establish bonds with other atoms by sharing its valence electrons. Learn meaning, examples here.

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What is the valency of carbon in chemistry?

What is the Valency of Carbon? The valency of carbon is four and one atom of carbon can make four covalent bonds. The branch of organic chemistry deals with the compounds of carbon. Due to the specific properties of the element, Carbon has established its importance among the other elements.

Why does carbon have a tetravalent electron configuration?

It means it has 4 electrons in the outermost shell. Carbon obeys the octet rule and forms 4 covalent bonds with other atoms to get a stable electronic configuration. Thus, carbon is tetravalent (It means valency of carbon is 4.) and can form 4 covalent bonds with not only other atoms but other carbon atoms as well.

What is the difference between tetravalency and catenation?

Ans: Tetravalency is the property of an atom to mutually share \\ (4\\) electrons to attain stability. Catenation is the self-linking property of an atom to form long-chain compounds. It is due to the tetravalent and Catenating ability of carbon atom that enables it to form long chains of carbon compounds. Q.3. Why does carbon show tetravalency?