Tips and tricks

What is Sujok therapy for diabetes?

What is Sujok therapy for diabetes?

Sujok therapy is a variation of acupressure, which used specific points on hands and feet to treat the ailments. It also make use of seeds, semi precious stones along with pressure stimulation that help relieve problem like diabetes and kidney stones.

Does anything cure diabetes?

Even though there’s no diabetes cure, diabetes can be treated and controlled, and some people may go into remission. To manage diabetes effectively, you need to do the following: Manage your blood sugar levels.

What is Sujok?

Sujok is a special science, which exclusively deals with acupressure. It is a method to heal the diseases by stimulation of the hands and feet with a combined use of acupuncture, finger pressure therapy or even with a blunt needle or tip of the ball- point pen.

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What is seed therapy?

Seeds are natural stimulators to the acupressure points and are also part of Sujok therapy. Seed therapy. Seed therapy is complementary to sujok therapy. After acupressure treatment one can tie seeds, pulses and legumes at the treated point to supply extra life force to facilitate quick healing.

Does yoga help diabetes?

Certain poses may help lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels while also improving circulation, leading many experts to recommend yoga for diabetes management. Regular practice may even help reduce your risk for other complications of diabetes, such as heart disease.

Can we cure diabetes with yoga?

Yoga can also treat diabetes, or in the case of type 2 diabetes, prevent the disease from developing by: Rejuvenating pancreatic cells – Yoga postures that aid relaxation (asanas) stretch the pancreas, which can stimulate the production of insulin-producing beta cells.

Is Sujok good for diabetics?

The best thing is, Sujok therapy on these acupressure points is harmless and thus most preferable for people suffering from diabetes. In the holistic treatment of Sujok therapy for diabetes; after the acupressure treatment, one can also tie seeds, pulses, legumes etc in the treated points for extra benefits.

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What is Sujok therapy and how does it work?

When it comes to Sujok therapy, it is similar to Acupuncture or Acupressure which makes use of pressure points and stimulates the points for treating the health conditions; however in Sujok, the acupressure points are located in hands and feet only, which are required to be properly stimulated.

What are the acupressure points for diabetes control?

Stress Relief Point: One more acupressure point for diabetes control that can be used in Sujok for treating or controlling the condition is the Stress relief point that is located on the wrist on the straight line up with the little finger. You can use this point to relieve stress and also improve condition in diabetes.

How to control diabetes with home remedies for diabetes control?

Hand Valley Point or Intestine Point: Hand valley point or Intestine point is highly important for treating or controlling diabetes. This point is situated between the index finger and the thumb. Apply firm pressure and massage the point regularly to get relief in diabetes and also remove stress from the body.

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