
What is stronger than the Indominus Rex?

What is stronger than the Indominus Rex?

Indoraptor is supposed to be more powerful than the Indominus Rex,which nearly killed Rexy. Indoraptor is faster and has better vision than Rexy. Rexy is bigger and has a stronger bite but Rexy can’t hit the Indoraptor if he jumps on her back.

Who would win Indominus Rex or Indoraptor?

Indominis Rex will win, as it’s is bigger, stronger, heavier & has more teeth an Indorapter a huge advantage over the Indorapter Indominus Rex can camouflage whereas an Indorapter cannot camouflage.

Is Indoraptor stronger than blue?

Two will kill Indoraptor no doubt, Blue was actually stronger than Indoraptor, plus not to mention Utahraptor was bigger and most likely more robust than Blue. Indoraptor is still bigger than Utahraptor, and in a serious battle he can defeat both Utahraptors with difficult.

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Does the Doom Slayer have infinite power?

He is a primeval that means he infinitely grows in power and is immortal, and he is already powerful enough to defeat the creator of his universe and other multiverse’s and is a Outerversal being oh and the doomslayer has armor is indestructible and has infinite stamina and unlimited strength.

Who would win in a fight Indominus rex or Spinosaurus?

Indominus rex is tougher, faster, and way more intelligent than the Spinosaurus. She would win 10 out of 10 times.

What is the strongest carnivore in Jurassic world?

1 TYRANNOSAURUS REX While other dinosaurs might be able to best the Tyrannosaurus in terms of raw size, it will always be the most powerful and influential in the series.

Who would win Indominus rex or Spinosaurus?

What was the toughest dinosaur?

The Fiercest Dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex looked the most ferocious of all the dinosaurs, but in terms of overall cunning, determination and its array of vicious weapons it was Utahraptor that was probably the fiercest of all. Utahraptor measured about 7 metres, and was a very powerful, agile and intelligent predator.

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Who would win in a fight Indominus rex or Indoraptor?

Most people in this thread have said that the Indominus Rex would win if having to battle the Indoraptor. This may be true considering that fact that the Indominus had more abilities than the Indoraptor.

Did the Indominus rex ever camouflage with leaves?

For example, the Indominus Rex camouflage with leaves in Jurassic World(2012), but in the second movie, we never saw that the Indoraptor could blend itself with its surroundings. The Indoraptor, keep in mind, was smaller and a lot less strong that the Indominus.

Is Indominus rex more powerful than Rexy?

Its intelligence is arguably higher than Indominus Rex and it is designed as a powerful weapon in human warfare. However, Indominus Rex is also intelligent, being smart enough to kill an Ankylosaurus, as well as being strong enough to take down Rexy.

Is the Indominus stronger than the Velociraptor?

The Indominus seemed much stronger in the movies. Blue the Velociraptor was fighting the Indoraptor fairly evenly, whereas the Indominus was stronger than any dinosaur in Jurassic World, including the large sauropods. The Indominus would win fairly easily.