
What is so special about Clara Oswald?

What is so special about Clara Oswald?

Clara Oswald is one of the Doctor’s most extraordinary companions. In order to help the Doctor she allowed the time winds to tear her into countless different iterations of herself, or as River phrased it, ‘A million versions of you, living and dying all over time and space, like echoes.

Is Clara Oswald a good character?

For the 38 episodes she was on the show, some fans have suggested that Clara was “too good”. She was always shown to be in the right, continuously saved the day, and acted as a moral compass for all characters. Not to mention how she was created with the purpose of saving the Doctor’s life.

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Is Clara Oswald in love with the Doctor?

For a while it seemed this column might have a world exclusive, but then I had to go and spoil it all by asking a follow-up question. The British actress Jenna Coleman had volunteered the revelation that Clara Oswald, her character in Doctor Who, is “totally in love” with the doctor, played by Peter Capaldi.

Why Clara Oswald is the best companion?

She was the perfect companion: clever, witty, and down for anything. She also had a big heart and a penchant for doing the right thing, even if it’s the unpopular thing. Clara kept the Doctor in check and always called him out when he was being over dramatic. She helped him stay centered.

Who was the worst Doctor Who companion?

3) Clara Oswald One of the most divisive companions in New Who history, Clara Oswald began as little more than an entertaining mystery for the Doctor to solve after Amy and Rory’s exit. She was to doctor him back into the universe, to give him meaning, this ‘Impossible Girl.

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How long was Clara a companion?

She is one of the longest-serving companions in the show’s history. Clara is initially presented to the audience during the seventh series as three distinct, though similarly named, people living in different eras….

Clara Oswald
Portrayed by Jenna Coleman
Duration 2012–2015, 2017
In-universe information
Species Human

How has Clara Oswald’s personality changed over time?

One aspect of Clara’s personality that got worse over time was her recklessness. As many fans know, Clara had an unwavering loyalty to the Doctor. However, over time, Clara became so blinded by her faith in the Doctor that she began to place the Time Lord on a pedestal.

Who is Clara Oswald on doctor who?

On Doctor Who, fans have seen many companions come and go. However, only a certain few have managed to hold a special place in the Time Lord’s heart. One of these people was Clara Oswald – the Impossible Girl who managed to save the Doctor in every way imaginable.

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Was Clara Oswald the Impossible Girl?

One of these people was Clara Oswald – the Impossible Girl who managed to save the Doctor in every way imaginable. RELATED: Doctor Who: Every Doctor’s True Companion It was just a shame that some fans weren’t as passionate about her as the time traveler was.

What happened to Clara Oswald after Trenzalore?

After Trenzalore, Clara became a school teacher, though she still travelled with the Doctor, meeting the Doctor’s War and Tenth incarnations. She was with him when he regenerated into his twelfth incarnation, having encouraged the Time Lords to grant him a new regenerative cycle and continued to travel with him thereafter.