Tips and tricks

What is it like to be a police officer?

What is it like to be a police officer?

It’s a career where your life can be on the line in a matter of seconds – often when you least expect it. A day in the life of a police officer can also be a highly rewarding one; as you are serving the local community and, in many cases, saving lives and brining criminals to justice.

What are the qualities of a good law enforcement officer?

Officers must have the zeal to fight crime. Although much police work does not specifically address illegal acts, crime can cause major problems in communities and create social unrest. Law enforcement personnel need to remain aware of chances to discover such issues and act accordingly.

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Why is it important for police officers to have good manners?

Officers who have appropriate “bedside manner” with citizens avoid many of the verbal and physical hazards prevalent in policing. Civility is not a sign of weakness, and, properly exercised, it can enhance officer safety. One author stated that civility and tactics go hand in hand, calling it “tactical civility.”

What is the work environment and culture of a police officer?

What is the workplace of a Police Officer like? Police officers rarely work a regular, 40-hour week. Officers work late at night, on the weekends, and even on holidays. Most police officers work outdoors while on patrol, and are subjected to all types of weather conditions.

Being a police officer is not a job; it’s a lifestyle choice. They are not general public any longer. They must carry their police ID at all times and be expected to respond to public situations as a police officer, and not stand by and watch with no obligation. This results in a general enhanced awareness of their situation at all times.

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What is it like to be married to a police officer?

Being married to a police officer is totally different than being married to a regular Joe. It is a responsibility, a burden and an honor/blessing for those of you who are religious. It is often thankless. It throws up challenges and has its rewards and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

How do cops respond to dissenters?

For most cop-supporters I see, 90 percent of the time their response to dissenters is something along the lines of, “You haven’t served,” or “You don’t know what it’s like to walk a mile in a cop’s shoes.” Well, not only was I a cop, but I was crippled in the line of duty — with the boot they cut off me at the hospital to prove it.