
What is it called when you play the wrong note?

What is it called when you play the wrong note?

If you play the right notes, you call it sight-reading. If you play the wrong notes you call it improvising.

Why do pianists memorize their music?

Pianists memorize music because it helps them to play with better musical expression. Memorizing also helps better perform technically demanding repertoire and help eliminate page turns nad breaks in the music. Memorizing music is mostly reserved for soloists and less frequent for collaborative playing.

How do pianists Memorise?

Pianists typically start memorising a piece by learning the musical periods and then breaking down the major parts to the number of bars that they are formed of. This process should happen consciously and in most professional cases by just sight reading the notes.

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How can a note be wrong?

In classical music, if a performer plays a note not written by the composer, it’s a wrong note. Even people who take a certain perverse pride in saying they’re tone deaf, can sense an incorrect pitch in a familiar classical piece.

Do jazz musicians play wrong notes?

There are no wrong notes in jazz: only notes in the wrong places. -Miles Davis. It’s not the note you play that’s the wrong note – it’s the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong.

Do professional singers make mistakes?

Many singers make mistakes when they’re performing. Whether it’s alone in a practice room or on stage in front of thousands of people, everyone make vocal mistakes. But the truth is that most of these vocal problems are easily avoided.

Do you care if a pianist makes a mistake during concerts?

Since you can’t do that on live concerts, no one really cares about it… imagine a pianist just made 1 mistake and he ignores it cuz he ignores every single mistakes he make. If ignoring a mistake is a mistake, how many mistakes does he make?

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Why should I listen to live performances?

This is not meant to be a revelation of any kind and no disrespect is intended at all. In the age of digital recordings, we certainly need more doses of these real performances. By listening to them, I hope fellow amateurs will take heart and get less worked up about the mistakes they make when playing live and focus instead on making music.

What did Chopin do when he got lost in his music?

At a Rubinstein concert he got completely lost in the start of the development section of the 1st mvmt of Chopin’s 2nd piano sonata A complete memory slip. So he simply played a succession of plausible chords for about 10 seconds and picked up the piece successfully a few yards down the pike.