
What is good score in practice mock for SBI clerk?

What is good score in practice mock for SBI clerk?

You must try to score around 35+ out of 40 in this, with accuracy.

How can I score more marks in bank exam?

To know the detailed exam pattern, syllabus and type of questions asked in the bank exams, candidates must solve mock tests, previous year papers and practise papers frequently to score well in the SBI PO exam, IBPS, RBI and other bank exams….Static GK

  1. IBPS Exams.
  2. SBI Exams.
  3. RBI Exams.

Is mock test important?

Mock tests are important because of the practice they provide. Multiple attempt of Mock Test help students revise the entire syllabus in the simulated setting of the actual exam. This way they remember what they have learned and perform well in actual exam.

Can I attempt the SBI PO online mock tests on Oliveboard?

A. Yes, you can. You can attempt all Oliveboard mock tests on our android mobile app as well as a mobile website. Q. The SBI PO Online Mock Tests are available in how many languages? A. You can access the SBI PO Mock Tests in 2 languages – English & Hindi. Q. Why should a candidate choose Oliveboards SBI PO online test series?

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What is your average score in SBI Clerk mains from Oliveboard?

For SBI clerk mains i gave only 5 mocks from oliveboard because i don’t want to waste my precious time in giving mocks because it will take around 3–4 hours or even more for complete analysis Daily .rather than that you can revise your GA portion that could be game changer for you in mains. So my average score in those 5 mocks is 70 only .

Is 35 a good score in the Oliveboard Test series?

The level of oliveboard test series is good and slightly higher than the actual exam. Scoring 35 in sbi po mocks means you are doing good. Oliveboard provides features like percentile and rank in their test series. So the thing that matters to you is how much percentile you are getting.

What is the difference between SBI PO prelims and SBI PO main?

SBI PO Prelims is an online exam of 100 marks. Quantitative Aptitude (35 marks). The exam duration is 60 minutes. The SBI PO Main Exam is of 250 marks. It is a combination of an online exam of 200 marks and a English Language Descriptive paper of 50 marks.