
What is Gandalf advice about Mirkwood?

What is Gandalf advice about Mirkwood?

Before Gandalf departs, he gives them stern advice: “Don’t stray off the [path]—if you do, it is a thousand to one you will never find it again and never get out of Mirkwood; and then I don’t suppose I, or any one else, will ever see you again.”

What was Gandalf’s purpose?

Gandalf had accomplished his immediate goal, which was to destroy Smaug, who could have been used to disastrous effect by Sauron. A large number of Orcs and Wargs also were killed in the North, removing threats to Rivendell and Lothlórien.

What is the most important advice that Beorn and Gandalf give about Mirkwood?

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What is the most important advice that Beorn and Gandalf give about Mirkwood? Do you think this advice will be followed? Defend your Answer. Not to drink or bathe in the water and not to go off the path.

Why did Gandalf go with the dwarves?

Gandalf’s primary motive is that he doesn’t want Smaug to ally with Sauron. At that moment, it is Middle Earth’s most powerful creature, and its friendship with Sauron would prove costly for the Middle Earth. Hence, he prods the Dwarves into getting back their gold, thereby unfolding the events of the Hobbit.

What was Gandalf’s powers?

Telepathy: Gandalf can read people’s minds in an attempt to access their memories. He can even control people’s minds and make them complete tasks against their own will, like he once did with Gimli. Fire: Enhanced by Narya, Gandalf can produce a magical flame of varying colors.

What happened to mirkwood Bilbo?

In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, when Bilbo Baggins falls from the trees when killing a Giant Spider in Mirkwood, he loses the One Ring. As he goes to retrieve it, a Mirkwood Centipede emerges and walks over the Ring in front of Bilbo.

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Why does Beorn believe the story told to him by Gandalf?

Gandalf takes the dwarves to Beorn’s house a few at a time, so as not to startle him. He tells Beorn the story of their adventure in the mountain. Gandalf’s story amuses Beorn greatly because he despises goblins, who are enemies of nature. Beorn offers the company much-needed food and lodging.

Who is Beorn How does Gandalf get his help what advice does Beorn give them about Mirkwood?

Beorn provides lodging to the company of dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf on their way to the Lonely Mountain. Beorn knows that their next route will take them through the dark forest of Mirkwood, so he offers them some helpful advice to speed them on their way.

What does Gandalf tell Bilbo about the forest of Mirkwood?

He tells them stories of the dangerous forest of Mirkwood, which they must pass through on their journey east. As Bilbo and the dwarves go to bed, Gandalf warns them that they must not go outside until morning. During the night, Bilbo hears growling outside and wonders whether it is Beorn in the shape of a bear.

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What does Gandalf tell Elrond about his mission in The Hobbit?

When Bilbo and Gandalf at last return to Rivendell on their journey home, Bilbo hears Gandalf tell Elrond about his secretive mission. Gandalf had been to the White Council, which is a powerful council of wizards and elves, including Saruman and Galadriel.

Why was Gandalf necessary in the beginning of the story?

Gandalf was necessary in the beginning of the story in order to prod Bilbo along and provide him with guidance. With Gandalf nearby, Bilbo and his companions are relatively safe.

Why did Gandalf go to Beorn’s house?

Gandolf sends two more dwarves in to Beorn’s every 5 minutes to get him more interested in his story and be more accepting of a large group of them. Why he had gone: To meet up with the Wargs. Why he now thinks more highly of the dwarves: Beorn now believes that the stories that Gandalf told him.