Tips and tricks

What is considered high maintenance?

What is considered high maintenance?

If you describe something or someone as high-maintenance, you mean that they require a lot of time, money, or effort. Small gardens can be high maintenance. a high-maintenance individual who needs to be the centre of attention.

Why does he call high maintenance?

When people describe boyfriends or girlfriends as high maintenance, what they mean is they have “higher than normal expectations, and therefore more difficult or challenging to deal with”.

How can you tell if a man is high maintenance?


  1. Have a strop/fit when they don’t get their own way.
  2. Needing a reply to a text message/email straight away.
  3. Need to be told ‘I love you’ several times a day.
  4. Always late.
  5. Spends longer in the bathroom than you do.
  6. Spend a lot of time on their looks/appearance.
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How can I be more high maintenance?

How to Become Higher Maintenance

  1. Identify your needs. People keen on being as low-maintenance as possible may become so good at stifling their needs that they struggle even to identify them.
  2. Remind yourself that your needs are valid.
  3. Ask for what you need.
  4. Deal with backlash.
  5. Tell New Stories About Yourself.

What is another word for high maintenance?

High-maintenance Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for high-maintenance?

unreasonable fussy
demanding difficult
firm unyielding
hard to please fault-finding
over-exacting over-particular

How can I be low-maintenance?

Find a Low-Maintenance Person (LMP)!

  1. 1) Self-sufficient.
  2. 2) Lived on their own at some point in their life.
  3. 3) Don’t complain about others.
  4. 4) Have friends — good friends.
  5. 4) Have done personal work.
  6. 5) Have a job.
  7. 6) Easy-going personality.
  8. 7) Willing to work on the relationship.

What words mean high quality?


  • excellent.
  • finest.
  • first-rate.
  • prime.
  • superior.
  • exclusive.
  • five-star.
  • shipshape.
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What are the traits of high maintenance people?

The entitlement aspect of high maintenance people leads them to be keenly focused on the belongings or the status of others as well. This trait can infect the highest people in the organization, such as the CEO who demands that every company event include the provision of free upgrades and presidential suites at no additional cost.

What is a high-maintenance hairstyle?

Definition of high-maintenance 1 : requiring a large amount of care or maintenance The high-maintenance “Dracula” orchid constantly needs high levels of humidity and cooler temperatures. — Victoria Colliver They can’t even afford the high-maintenance hairdos, let alone the Adidas sweats.

What are the signs of negative high maintenance?

Courtesy of columnist Ayanna Guyhto, here are the 13 unlucky signs of negative high maintenance followed by a few of the methods you can use to reduce the drain of “people debt” on your company’s energy level and bottom line: 1 -They have urgent “needs.” To a high maintenance personality, everything is urgent.

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Are You a high maintenance perfectionist or high maintenance?

If you think you’re a perfectionist, that could be a sign you’re actually high maintenance. Perfectionists want everything to be 100\% perfect. You want everything to be up to your standards. Do you see the difference? If everyone around you thinks you’re slightly stuck up, they’re probably right. 14. You have high expectations.