
What is an afflicted Moon?

What is an afflicted Moon?

Moon is considered to be afflicted if it receives the aspect of malefic planets or is associated with malefic planets. If Moon is hemmed between malefic planets, the affliction is said to increase. If Moon is afflicted by Saturn, it may cause acute mental depression.

What is afflicted in astrology?

The term affliction means negative association which invites problems in a person’s life. Although the weak planets and the afflicted planets have their ways to create problems, both are different. A weak planet does not let you realize the full potential of planets or house.

How can you make the Moon positive?

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To attain blessings of Planet Moon, you should worship Goddess Durga, Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna. You should recite Shiv Chalisa and Durga Chalisa. Apart from that you can perform Rudrabhishekam and can also recite Shri Shiva Sahasranama Stotram.

What happens when moon is malefic?

When the planet Moon becomes weak or is negatively aspected by any malefic planet in a native’s kundli, his/her mental peace is adversely affected, and he/she faces a downfall in comfort and luxuries. The Moon becomes powerless when being posited in the Scorpio zodiac sign.

How can we reduce the effect of the moon?

Remedies for Moon in 7th House : (1) Avoid marriage in the 24th year of your life. (2) Always your mother keep happy. (3) Never sell milk or water for profit. (4) Do not burn milk for making Khoya.

How can we reduce the malefic effects of Mars?

Mars: Problems and remedies

  1. Donate sweets in temples.
  2. Grow neem tree in your home.
  3. Feed cows frequently.
  4. Carry red color handkerchief.
  5. Have an elephant tusk in bedroom.
  6. Donate blood whenever appropriate.
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What is afflicted planet?

In astrology a afflicted planet or house means the planet or the house is in a state of discomfort or has difficulties. The degree of difficulty will depend on the degree of affliction. A planet in an enemy sign or debilitated sign is firs degree of affliction.

What happens when Moon is malefic?

What are the negative effects of the Moon in astrology?

If too bad, Moon can also cause excessively sensual thoughts and an unstable mind, Moreover, due to all this, they tend to lose crucial opportunities for growth in life bestowed by other planets. Moon thus has a profound influence, what is given above is just part of the picture.

What is Moonmoon and how does it affect us?

Moon is also about our interests and inclinations, thus when weak, it causes a lack of interest in anything. The person becomes pessimistic and doubtful about life. Depression is also possible and to come out of it, these natives tend to resort to alcohol, which further drowns them into stress.

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What should you not do when you have a full moon?

You should also avoid spending time in solitude. Practicing meditation every day is one of the most preferred remedies for Moon as it calms the mind. You should avoid having any spiritual place named after you. Offering milk to shivalingam also strengthens Moon.

How to get rid of the Moon in astrology?

Practicing meditation every day is one of the most preferred remedies for Moon as it calms the mind. You should avoid having any spiritual place named after you. Offering milk to shivalingam also strengthens Moon. You should not have birds as pets as caging them could worsen the impact.