
What is a synonym for hard to reach?

What is a synonym for hard to reach?

out-of-the-way. remote. unattainable. unobtainable. unreachable.

What is it called when you can’t reach something?

inaccessible. adjective. difficult or impossible to reach.

What is an enigmatic person?

An enigmatic person is someone who is a bit mysterious to others. Behind an enigmatic smile are thoughts impossible to guess. The word enigma originally referred not to people or smiles but to words, and specifically to words that formed a riddle or a complicated metaphor that tested one’s alertness and cleverness.

What do you call a person who is hard to deal with?

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intractable. adjective. formal very difficult or impossible to deal with.

What is the meaning of hard-to-reach?

By Admin Eltis / Updated: 28 May 2019. Definition – A hard-to-reach group is a group within society that is typically under-represented in the planning process or has limited capacity for involvement.

What is meant by scaling?

Definition: Scaling is the procedure of measuring and assigning the objects to the numbers according to the specified rules. In other words, the process of locating the measured objects on the continuum, a continuous sequence of numbers to which the objects are assigned is called as scaling.

What do you call someone who does nothing?

Definitions of do-nothing. person who does no work. synonyms: bum, idler, layabout, loafer.

What is it called when something is just out of reach?

What does the term harbingers mean?

harbinger \HAHR-bun-jer\ noun. 1 : one that initiates a major change : a person or thing that originates or helps open up a new activity, method, or technology : pioneer. 2 : something that foreshadows a future event : something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come.

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How do you describe someone who is demanding?

a demanding person needs a lot of attention and is not easily pleased or satisfied. Young children can be very demanding. Synonyms and related words. Words used to describe someone who is easily annoyed or difficult to please. bad-tempered.

What does difficult to get to know mean?

If you are referring to someone who you can’t connect with emotionally, I would say this person is “difficult to get to know” or “emotionally unattached”. Example: “Co-workers found Roger difficult to get to know because of his PTSD”

What does hard to get a hold of mean?

I would say this person is “hard to contact” or “hard to get a hold of” Example: “Sue’s work schedule was so demanding, she was consistently hard to get a hold of for simple tasks or questions” If you are referring to someone who you can’t connect with emotionally, I would say this person is “difficult to get to know” or “emotionally unattached”.

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How do you describe a person with a disability?

Avoid using vulnerable when describing people with disabilities. CDC is aware that some individuals with disabilities prefer to use identity-first terminology, which means a disability or disability status is referred to first; for the purposes of these guidelines, CDC promotes person-first language. Top of Page Drug / Substance Use

Do not minimize individual differences that distinguish one person from another?

Do not minimize individual differences that distinguish one person with a disability from another with the same disability, by using a phrase such as garden variety (specific disability) to refer to an individual or group of individuals with similar disabilities.