What is a Russian dacha house?

What is a Russian dacha house?

A dacha (Russian: дача, IPA: [ˈdatɕə] ( listen)) is a seasonal or year-round second home, often located in the exurbs of Russian-speaking and other post-Soviet countries.

What are peoples houses like in Russia?

The average Russian family, comprised of three to four people, lives in a two-room apartment that is approximately 50 square meters in size. In fact, 64 percent of Russian families live in apartments smaller than 60 square meters.

In which country might you have a holiday home known as a dacha?

Dachas, or second homes, are an architectural and cultural phenomenon in Russia. They emerged in the 18th century and still enjoy major popularity today. Let’s look at how these Russian country houses have changed since the days of Peter the Great, and then we’ll tour four modern dachas.

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Why do Russians prefer apartments?

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Soviet Russia achieved high industrial growth, which, in turn, gave rise to rapid urbanization. The rural population flocked into cities in search of a better life. Many were ready to live in barracks or communal apartments, where they shared a single apartment with other families.

Does Russia have public housing?

Although the current mixed public housing blocks are in many ways far from ideal, they are at present the only means of providing housing to the overwhelming majority of urban Russians.

How many Russians live in houses?

Housing in Russia reflects the country’s history, geography and traditions. According to Russian Public Opinion Research Center 65 per cent of Russians live in apartments, 31 per cent in a private house and 4 per cent in dormitories.

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What is a Russian dacha?

A Russian “dacha” is a traditional country house which is usually wooden, has small garden plots and is mostly used only at summer. Now almost every family in Russia has a dacha!

How much land do you need to own a dacha in Russia?

The typical size of land given by the state to a family varied from 600 to 1200 square meters. Dachas could be sold, rented out or inherited. Often ill-equipped and without indoor plumbing, dachas were nevertheless the ultimate solution for millions Russian families to having an inexpensive summer retreat.

How far is a dacha from home?

A dacha usually lays a 1-2 hour car ride away, located 6 to 100 miles from the main family home and accessible by local train or other public transport. Most of them are situated in special dacha settlements around big cities, which consist of dachas, a little general store and maybe playgrounds for kids.

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What is a dachas architecture?

Dachas are not defined by a specific architectural style — rather, they are defined by their function. Dachas are a place to temporarily escape urban life and reconnect with nature by growing your own food, observing the surrounding wildlife, and returning to a simpler mode of existence.