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What is a prototype in grammar?

What is a prototype in grammar?

noun. noun. /ˈproʊt̮əˌtaɪp/ prototype (for/of something) the first design of something from which other forms are copied or developed the prototype of the modern bicycle Scientists have developed a working prototype for a voice translation machine.

What is prototype approach in linguistics?

Prototype theory is a theory of categorization in cognitive science, particularly in psychology and cognitive linguistics, in which there is a graded degree of belonging to a conceptual category, and some members are more central than others.

How do you use prototype in a sentence?

Examples of prototype in a Sentence They tested the prototype of the car. He is developing a prototype for his invention. He is the prototype of a conservative businessman. The Sherlock Holmes stories are the prototypes of modern detective stories.

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What’s another way to say prototype?

What is another word for prototype?

original archetype
example mock-up
paradigm pattern
type ancestor
antecedent blueprint

Can you use prototype as a verb?

verb (used with object), pro·to·typed, pro·to·typ·ing. to create the prototype or an experimental model of: to prototype a solar-power car.

What is a prototype in literature?

an actual person serving as a writer’s model for a character in a literary work. The character created by the writer is so transformed that he no longer resembles the original.

How is term prototype used in semantics?

How is the term “prototype” used in semantics? The prototype is the characteristic instance of a category, as in the case of “robin” being the clearest example, or prototype, of the category “bird” for many American English speakers. Identify the semantic roles of the seven noun phrases in this sentence.

Which prototype used in semantics?

In semantics, a prototype is a category that allows listeners to understand a concept. For example, a prototype might be “dogs,” within…

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Can prototype be used as a verb?

What is a prototype in research?

A prototype is an incomplete version of a physical or digital product, to be taken into user testing. Crucially, prototypes enable comprehensive user research to determine the product’s value, proposition and quality ahead of release, instead of bringing to market a product with flaws or misunderstandings.

What are antonyms for prototype?

What is the opposite of prototype?

scribble confusion
mess jumble

What part of speech is the word prototype?

verb (used with object), pro·to·typed, pro·to·typ·ing.

What is the root word of prototype?

The prefix prot-, or proto-, comes from Greek and has the basic meaning “first in time” or “first formed.” A prototype is someone or something that serves as a model or inspiration for those that come later. A successful fund-raising campaign can serve as a prototype for future campaigns.

What is a good sentence for prototype?

Examples of prototype in a Sentence. They tested the prototype of the car. He is developing a prototype for his invention. He is the prototype of a conservative businessman. The Sherlock Holmes stories are the prototypes of modern detective stories.

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What are the different types of prototypes?

While a prototype can be in the form of paper, digital, miniature or a partial product, all of these can be categorized into three categories on the basis of what they represent.

What is the meaning of prototype in sociology?

Definition of prototype. 1 : an original model on which something is patterned : archetype. 2 : an individual that exhibits the essential features of a later type. 3 : a standard or typical example.