
What is a good mile time for a 32 year old?

What is a good mile time for a 32 year old?

Average mile time

17–21 years 32–36 years
Top 1\% males 6:30 6:39
Top 50\% males 8:18 9:24
Top 1\% females 7:48 7:57
Top 50\% females 9:51 11:33

Is 8 minute mile good for a man?

Compared to sedentary people who get minimal levels of exercise, an 8-minute mile is pretty good, yes. Compared to people who enjoy running and do it regularly, an 8-minute mile is not good. For example, when I was 18, I was running miles in 4:25 at 4,000 feet of altitude, and I wasn’t the best miler in my peer group.

What is a respectable mile time?

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A noncompetitive, relatively in-shape runner usually completes one mile in about 9 to 10 minutes, on average. If you’re new to running, you might run one mile in closer to 12 to 15 minutes as you build up endurance. Elite marathon runners average a mile in around 4 to 5 minutes.

Is a 6 30 minute mile good?

A 6-minute mile is kind of the unofficial threshold of fast endurance running. Casual runners are not likely to run a 6-minute mile on accident, but it’s an achievable – if not high – bar for an aspiring new runner who is training hard.

Is a 7 minute mile SUB good?

So 7 minutes for one mile means you are moderately fit. It is not a great time, but you are probably more fit than most your age. As another point of comparison, my mile time when I was 50 was around 6:20, and I don’t train that distance. I kept up around a 7:20 pace for a half-marathon (13 miles).

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How fast can a sprinter run a mile?

About 6 to 9 minutes; same as you or me. World class sprinters are world class sprinters. They’re trained in running at top-speed in anaerobic threshold for something less than 30 seconds.

What is the average time for a mile run?

What is a good 1 mile time for a man?

Male 1 Mile Running Times. A good 1 mile time for a man is 06:40 . This is the average 1 mile time across men of all ages. The fastest 1 mile time ran by a man is 03:47 .

What is a good 5 mile time for a 20 year old?

Ignore all the bragging! Just to run a full 5 miles is an achievement. For a 20yo in good shape, (and I don’t mean a regular runner, just not morbidly obese or suffering from any illness,) a time of 40 min or less would be pretty good. In fact, for a non runner of any age, 10 min per mile would be OK as a start point.

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How fast should a 37 year old man run a mile?

To pass the U.S. Army physical, a 37-year-old man would need to run two miles in 19 minutes and 30 seconds, which is a pace just shy of 10 minutes per mile. Similarly, a 37-year-old woman would need to run at a pace of about 12 minutes per mile.

What is a good time for a 3 mile run?

Please try again later. What is a good time for 3 mile run? Running for fun or for fitness, that’s great. 25/3 is 8.33 minutes, or 8 minutes 20 seconds, per mile. If you choose to run competitively (I have run cross country), you can get that time a lot faster.