
What is a good excuse to borrow money?

What is a good excuse to borrow money?

If you’ve got family that can afford to foot the bill, school is a very good excuse to borrow money. What is this? Anyone can fall ill at any time or have an accident that lands them in the hospital. Without health insurance, hospital bills and medication can easily break the bank and put you into debt.

What excuses can I give?

If you want to use a good excuse for missing your work, these four subject areas would be worth exploring:

  • Sickness/doctor’s appointment. Just tell your boss you’re sick.
  • House emergency. A broken boiler or a flooded bathroom can also work as an excuse.
  • Family emergency.
  • Delivery of a major purchase.
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How do you say no money?

Here are seven ways to politely say no when you’re asked for money.

  1. Make It Your Rule.
  2. Respond Promptly.
  3. Be Clear, To-The-Point, & Polite.
  4. Be Aware of What You Can Give.
  5. Offer to Help in Other Ways.
  6. Consider Your Relationship.
  7. Be Wary of Discussing Financial Details.

What is the best excuse to ask a friend for money?

, Happily married, happily working – lucky to be alive. My father doesn’t believe in lending money. If a friend asks for money and you can afford to, give it as a gift. If the gift is returned, great. If not, you haven’t had a friendship ruined by expectation, need, and avoidance. I interpret ‘excuse’, in this context, as ‘little white lie’.

What are some good excuses to get out of school?

Or even a community club, pets help, orphanage etc can be used to make up a perfect excuse. Teaming up with a social cause shows you as a responsible person towards your surroundings, and your teacher may like it and give you a day to cover up your work.

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What is a good excuse to not answer a text message?

Here are 20 excuses you can use to not answer someone’s text message. 1. My phone died. 2. Text message? Weeeeird. Must be something wrong with my phone. 3. I thought that was from last week. 4. I did text you back!

What are some good excuses not to hang out with friends?

“Oops, a relative is visiting today.” Another excuse you can make not to hang out is telling your friends that you are expecting a relative. Of course, you must be home to welcome them and maybe assist with chores. Make sure to sound so real.