Tips and tricks

What is a concise answers?

What is a concise answers?

concise, terse, succinct, laconic, summary, pithy, compendious mean very brief in statement or expression. concise suggests the removal of all that is superfluous or elaborative. a concise description terse implies pointed conciseness. a terse reply succinct implies the greatest possible compression.

Is talking too much in an interview bad?

Talking too much during an interview creates a poor impression – it is interpreted as a negative trait. The excessive loquaciousness also cuts into interviewing time, as the interviewer obviously wants to pose further questions to learn more about you, but is unable to get in a word edgewise.

Why do some people refuse to answer certain questions?

Ulterior motives often influence the way that certain people answer certain questions. As people learn to be more sly, they’ll realize that simply refusing to answer questions can get them into just as much trouble as voicing the painful truth. Those listening, can make assumptions based on one’s lack of desire to answer a certain tough question.

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Why is it so hard to be concise?

Concision is hard because professionals have lots of information to convey in a very limited time. Important decision-makers are usually very short on time, and have a limited attention span. You have to get your point across quickly and efficiently. Another reason it’s tough to be concise is more psychological: nervousness.

Why don’t people give straight answers to questions?

People who don’t give straight answers to questions sidestep the pillars your questions are built on. They may address some, or most, of the pillars that support your questions, but will never address all of them in one answer.

How do you get someone to answer a question more precisely?

Placing blame on yourself seems to be the safest, and seemingly most effective, route in getting someone to answer a question more precisely. The blame you place on yourself, would be in the form of criticizing the question that you posed.