What is a coffin cubicle?

What is a coffin cubicle?

A bedspace apartment (Chinese: 牀位寓所), also called cage home (籠屋), coffin cubicle, or coffin home, is a type of residence that is only large enough for one bunk bed surrounded by a metal cage. In 2007, there were approximately 53,200 people living in cage homes in Hong Kong.

How many people in Hong Kong live in coffin homes?

200,000 people
According to some estimates, there are 200,000 people, including 40,000 children, living in these coffin homes in Hong Kong. Most of these coffin homes are smaller than 180 square feet. To put this size into perspective, this is only slightly bigger than an average parking spot in New York City.

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Why is it so expensive to live in Hong Kong?

So why is Hong Kong housing so expensive? The most obvious reason is that Hong Kong is densely populated with over seven million residents living on just 1,106 square kilometres. With such low supply and high demand of living space, Hong Kong’s housing prices almost have no chance to come down.

Why is Hong Kong housing so expensive?

Over the past two decades, Ip said, Hong Kong has not implemented large-scale land development plans, causing the supply of land available for development to peter out. The dearth of new land is the fundamental cause of Hong Kong’s awkward housing issue, characterized by being expensive, small and crowded.

What is the poverty line in Hong Kong?


Poverty line (HK$) 2019 2020
1-person 4,500 4,400
2-person 10,000 9,500
3-person 16,600 16,000
4-person 21,400 20,800

Can foreigner buy property in Hong Kong?

Yes – unlike some countries, Hong Kong allows foreigners (with the exception of a few nationalities) to buy properties in Hong Kong and rent them out without restriction.

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What is the average wage in Hong Kong?

The median monthly wage of employees in Hong Kong rose 1.5\% to $18,400 in May-June 2020, the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) has reported. This is slightly higher than the $18,200 median recorded in the same period in 2019.

Can a foreigner own a house in Hong Kong?

How much does a one bedroom apartment cost in Hong Kong?

The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Hong Kong can range from 12,000 to 20,000 HKD (1,500 to 2,500 USD) or more per month. On the upside, most apartments easily meet the highest standards of living.

How much does it cost to build coffin cubicles in Hong Kong?

To create the coffin cubicles a 400 square flat will be illegally divided by its owner to accommodate 20 double-decker beds, each costing about HK$2000 (over $250 USD) per month in rent. The space is too small to stand up in. A kitchen-toilet complex in a cage home.

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Who is the man with the coffin home in Hong Kong?

Wong Tat-ming, 63, sits in his “coffin home” which is next to a set of grimy toilets in Hong Kong as he pays HK$2,400 ($310) a month for a compartment measuring three feet by six feet, on March 28, 2017. It is crammed with all his meager possessions, including a sleeping bag, small color TV and electric fan. #

Are Hong Kong’s Coffin homes a humanitarian and health crisis?

Considering the number of residents occupying cubicles, and looking at the state of such habitations, one would obviously call Hong Kong’s coffin homes a humanitarian and health crisis. The UN even qualified it as ‘an insult to human dignity’.

What is a ‘coffin home?

Associated Press photographer Kin Cheung spent time recently photographing some of the tiny subdivided housing units in Hong Kong, known as “coffin homes,” and those who live in them.