Tips and tricks

What if your fate line is forked?

What if your fate line is forked?

The fate line starts from the base of the palm and moves towards the fingers. A forked fate line pointing towards the fingers is a good indication. While a fork from the fate line if it points towards the lifeline or Mars negative mount may give negative/bad results.

What is Island in palmistry?

Island in palmistry is formed when the Line splits itself into two parts and rejoins after travelling some dist… Palmistry, Palm reading charts, Palmistry reading.

What is the meaning of an island in palmistry?

In palmistry, island is a sign of obstruction and destruction which vary with the location. Islands are generally found on the main lines on palm and indicate the bad luck. An island on the Life Line is adverse to health, especially in the middle of the Life Line, which is the worst sign of illness despite the good physical condition.

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What does an island on life line on Palm mean?

Some palmists say that an island on life line is a negative mark, even to say it shows disease like cancer. So, you can imagine my horror and fear when I found this island on my palm. This marking is not, however, a reliable indication of cancer, nor is it a forecast that cancer or any other disease is present.

How reliable are the lines in the palmistry?

They are usually the longest and deepest. These lines can and do change over time, which is why prediction through palmistry is not reliable. What is evident in your hands now, does not imply a predetermined outcome of the future. It shows a possibility based on past events.

What are the main lines of the palm?

If you are interested in palmistry, you might already know that some lines on the palm stand out more than the others. These are called the major lines: heart line, a head line, and the life line, so I have chosen only these three to be classified as the main lines.