
What if Russia stayed neutral in ww2?

What if Russia stayed neutral in ww2?

With the Soviet Union remaining neutral (and continuing to ship resources to Germany under the Nazi–Soviet Pact,) Germany would have been able to concentrate the Luftwaffe in the Mediterranean. Another year would also have given Germany more time to loot and exploit the resources of conquered Western Europe.

Why did Russia side with Germany in ww2?

In response to a later German proposal, Stalin stated that the Soviets would join the Axis if Germany foreclosed acting in the Soviet’s sphere of influence. Shortly thereafter, Hitler issued a secret internal directive related to his plan to invade the Soviet Union.

Was Russia allies with Germany in ww2?

So between 1939 and 1941, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union are allies. And Stalin actually provides very substantial support to Nazi Germany.

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When did Russia join the Allies in ww2?

22 June 1941
Russia becomes and Ally At the start of World War II, Russia and Germany were friends. However, on 22 June 1941 Hitler, the leader of Germany, ordered a surprise attack on Russia. Russia then became an enemy of the Axis Powers and joined the Allies.

What if the Soviet Union had remained neutral during WW2?

With the Soviet Union remaining neutral (and continuing to ship resources to Germany under the Nazi–Soviet Pact,) Germany would have been able to concentrate the Luftwaffe in the Mediterranean. German aircraft mauled the Royal Navy in 1941–42, even while supporting the campaign in Russia.

How powerful was Germany in WW2?

Germany had an efficient air force and navy, but it was primarily a continental power whose strength rested on its army.

Was Barbarossa delayed a gift to the Soviets?

Yet the catastrophic losses the Red Army suffered in 1941 would probably have been lower, leading to the possibility that Barbarossa delayed would have been a gift to the Soviets. Michael Peck is a contributing writer for the National Interest.

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What if the Luftwaffe had taken down the Middle East?

The full weight of the Luftwaffe would have been devastating. On the other hand, the logistics of a Middle Eastern offensive would have been daunting, due to the great distances and lack of Italian shipping capacity to transport fuel.