
What happens when you like a comment on LinkedIn?

What happens when you like a comment on LinkedIn?

When you click “Like,” the person who published the post gets a ping on their notifications letting them know that you liked the post. This is a benefit because it gets you noticed by your connection, especially if this person is a prospect, client, colleague, supervisor, or industry influencer.

How do you like and comment as a company on LinkedIn?

Here’s how:

  1. Step 1: Click the three dot dropdown option in a post and click “Copy link to post”
  2. Step 2: Paste the post link in your browser.
  3. Step 3: Get your company page ID.
  4. Step 4; Add the following to the post link you want to comment on:
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How do likes work on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Likes and Shares One of the biggest differences between a like and a share is that with a like, you are passing along your approval without comment. With a share, you have the ability to give your own comment and to even @mention people you want to see the post.

What if someone Reshares your post on LinkedIn?

Thank the person for sharing your article. Personalize your message by relating it to their update message, if they included one. Add information of value in the comment for both the person who reshared and for their network. Mention the person in your comment.

How do you share and like on LinkedIn?

Reshare a Post

  1. Click Share under the post you want to share.
  2. Select who you want to share the post with.
  3. Click Post on the bottom right corner.

How do you comment on a LinkedIn Post?

What Should Your LinkedIn Comment Say

  1. Tag the author and explain why you agree.
  2. Add additional perspectives.
  3. Expand on a topic in the article.
  4. Tag other people you know who may have helpful input.
  5. Add data or links to relevant resources (not your own)
  6. Ask a clarifying question.
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How do I comment on a LinkedIn post as my company?

Normally, you can only comment on a post as your company only if your company has been tagged in the post. There’s however, a way around this and it means you can comment via your LinkedIn Page on *any* post. The tip applies to posts only: you can’t use it to comment on articles via your company page.

Are personal posts always improper on LinkedIn?

None of this is to suggest that personal posts are always improper on LinkedIn, but every time you post, comment or click “like,” you send a message to others and they have an opportunity to react. That message can be “I like viral videos” or it can be “I am a thought leader in my profession and want to help others.”.

How do I add a mention to a LinkedIn article?

The Mentions feature is not available for articles published on the LinkedIn publishing platform. However when you press ‘publish’ on your article, you can mention people in the update. You can also edit your posts and comments to add a mention after you have posted it.

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How do I get people to see my LinkedIn posts?

Get them to share the post with their connections. Drive traffic to your LinkedIn profile – thus people will see your LinkedIn posts. You can do this by adding a LinkedIn button to your website, adding a link on your business card, adding a link to your email signature, or connecting with people directly after you meet.