Tips and tricks

What happens when you edit a post on Facebook group?

What happens when you edit a post on Facebook group?

Once a public post is edited, everyone will be able to see its revision history. Facebook Page authors and admins are also able to edit posts on a Page. Though anyone can see the post’s revision history after it was posted, only other authors and admins can see edits made before the post was published.

Can you edit pending posts on Facebook group?

This should be right after the group cover photo. Click on manage requests option which is directly after the invite members option on the list. Once this is done, you will see posts you’ve submitted that haven’t been approved yet. Click on the three dots beside the post you wish to edit and the post will be editable.

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How long does Facebook post approval last?

If you have access to this experimental feature, you will see a new option, “Turn on post approval for member” for you to select – Once you turn on post approval, all posts from that member will need approval by an admin or moderator for the next 30 days.

How do I remove a post approval from a Facebook group?

Now when someone posts in the group, you’ll get a notification that a post needs approval. Click on it to go to Pending Posts. Click the checkmark to approve the post, the X to remove the post, or the circle to block the poster and remove the post.

Where are my pending Facebook posts?

On the Facebook app, go to the group. In the top right corner click the 3 dots and then manage content. There you will see your pending posts and you can remove before accepted if you wish.

How does post approval work?

Post approvals allow you to decide what posts appear in your group. Depending on the type of group you run, post approvals may help group conversations stay on track. If you are going to use post approvals, be sure to review pending posts quickly to let members feel heard.

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What does post approval mean?

Filters. After approval, especially of a pharmaceutical drug. adjective.

Can you tell if someone edited a Facebook post?

Now, when users edit a post, it looks as though the post was originally written that way. In order to check whether a post has changed, you need to click the drop-down menu on the top right corner of post and see if “View edit history” is available.

How can you tell if someone has edited your comment on Facebook?

To find the history on a Facebook post, click the arrow on the top right corner of any post. In the dropdown menu, click View Edit History. For edited comments, you’ll see the word Edited next to the time stamp for the comment. Click this to view the comment’s edit history.

How do I post as Admin on a Facebook page?

To add an admin, go to “Edit Page” on your Timeline and then click “Admin roles.” Scroll down and select “Add another admin.” Note: To make someone an admin of your Page, the person must have Liked the Page.

How to approve or deny all posts in a group?

Groups have a setting known as Post approval. When it is enabled, it gives the power to admins and moderators to approve or deny all the posts from the members. Whenever someone posts in such a group, the post has to be approved first. 7. Delete Comments and Posts

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Why can’t I view pending posts on a Facebook group?

Facebook stupidly changed the way it is handled. You can no longer view pending posts from the Group’s timeline. First, whether you are using Facebook Lite or not, you have to click on the “Groups” icon to enter the exclusive Groups window of your browser.

Is there a way to check if a post has been approved?

Yes. Go into the group and at the top near where you write your post, there is a little indicator that says “You have one post pending approval” or whatever number you’re waiting on. Click on that. It will show any posts you’ve submitted that haven’t been approved yet.

Can a moderator delete a post from a Facebook group?

Other than the user who published the comment or a post, admins and moderators can delete them from the group. If they feel something violates the group rules, they can remove the content without seeking anyone’s permission. 8. Story Approval Unlike Facebook pages where only the admin can post stories, anyone in the group can add to the story.