What happens when I click not interested in YouTube?

What happens when I click not interested in YouTube?

Undo YouTube Not Interested request Right after you’ve clicked on Not Interested, a small section will appear with the ability to undo the actions just taken. Select the Undo button, and things will return to how they were. If you reload the page before clicking on Undo, then you’ll lose your chance.

How do I know if a video on YouTube is not interested?

Option two

  1. From your YouTube home page on your phone, tap the three dots next to the video you don’t want to see.
  2. Select Not interested.
  3. A box will appear that says Undo or Tell us why.
  4. If you select Tell us why, tap either I’ve already watched the video or I don’t like the video.
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How do you undo Not interested?

To clear all of your “Not interested” feedback:

  1. Go to My Activity. You might need to sign in.
  2. On the left, go to Other Google activity.
  3. Under “YouTube ‘Not interested’ feedback,” click Delete.

How do you undo a not interested reel?

I would like to inform you that as soon as you press the ‘not interested’ you can ‘ unhide’ the video by pressing undo. The other thing which you can do is to search the video by name, in case case you remember it but any other feature is not in my knowledge.

Can you remove suggested videos on YouTube?

If you want to get rid of a recommended video you’re not interested in, YouTube allows you to remove it from your suggestions: Hit the three vertical dots under the video. In the next menu, choose the “Not interested” option to remove the clip.

How do you clear the YouTube algorithm?

How to Reset YouTube Recommendations

  1. Click your username at the top-right of any YouTube page.
  2. In the menu that appears, click Your Data In YouTube.
  3. Scroll down to find YouTube Search History and click the field labeled Manage your YouTube Search History.
  4. Click the Delete button underneath the Search your activity bar.
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How do I clear YouTube recommendations?

Why is YouTube not interested in ads?

YouTube has a strange way of removing features but leaving the UI unchanged. This system needs an overhaul. The not interested buttons need to actually start working, the “don’t play this advertisement again” button needs to work, the thumbs down button either needs to work or be removed.

Why are videos I watch on YouTube appearing on my TV?

Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. The B-channel for GLB Productions.

What is /R/YouTube for?

– r/YouTube is for meta-discussion about YouTube as a platform – its features, bugs, business decisions, etc. This is a fan sub, not run or owned by YouTube!