
What happens when a narcissist does love bombing?

What happens when a narcissist does love bombing?

Once the narcissist reaches the devalue or hate bombing phase, they will revert to love bombing just long enough to grab your attention. The narcissist knows that if they put you down and treated you like crap all the time, you would eventually catch on and leave.

What happens when there’s a narcissist involved?

But when there’s a narcissist involved, it turns into a whole other ball of wax. For them, love bombing is one phase of the narcissist’s typical abuse cycle. Love bombing usually happens during the initial stages of a relationship with a narcissist.

What happens during the love bombing phase?

During the love bombing phase, the narcissist is setting you up for an addiction. Just like drug dealers give away free hits to inexperienced users, narcissists shower their potential victims with praise, admiration, attentiveness, and even understanding as a first ‘high’ to show how amazing they can be as a partner.

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What is love bombing/idealization?

Since love bombing/idealization is part of the narcissistic abuse cycle, it can happen intermittently throughout the relationship as part of the intermittent reinforcement pattern narcissists use to keep their victims hooked. Why does love bombing work so well? We all know how predictable a narcissist can be.

What is love bombing in a relationship?

Love bombing is a narcissistic abuse cycle often associated with the abuser having a narcissistic personality disorder. Think back to the red flags discussed above. In a healthy relationship, both partners will consent to the pace. Love will build over time as you learn about and accept each other’s strengths and flaws.

What is the narcissistic devalue cycle?

The narcissistic devalue cycle doesn’t necessarily run in a linear path. Once the narcissist reaches the devalue or hate bombing phase, they will revert to love bombing just long enough to grab your attention. The narcissist knows that if they put you down and treated you like crap all the time, you would eventually catch on and leave.

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What happens to a narcissist when they stop loving their partner?

When their partner’s luster fades, they no longer provide a satisfactory object to boost the love bomber’s self-esteem. They discard their partner and look elsewhere for a new source of narcissistic supply. When relationships with narcissists endure, the partner feels drained, hurt, resentful, and lonely.

How does a narcissist manipulate you?

Emotional Manipulation via Love Bombing During the love bombing phase, the narcissist is setting you up for an addiction.