
What happens if Word is not responding?

What happens if Word is not responding?

The reasons for the MS Word’s sudden unresponsive nature could be due to: If there are bugs or virus on the user’s system or the PC, it might usually cause the corruption of the MS Word files. The third-party add-ons or the plug-ins might be a nuisance which may disrupt the normal working of the MS Word.

How do you unfreeze Microsoft Word?


Why is Word so unresponsive?

What is Causing Microsoft Word to Slow Down? Sometimes a Word document or template or Word’s own Normal template can become corrupted. Add-ins and start-up templates can also sometimes conflict with Word’s performance.

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Why is Microsoft not responding on my computer?

Windows 10 may stop responding if there is virus or malware. So run a virus scan across your entire Windows system. If any malware has been detected, follow the instructions provided by the antivirus program to fix it. Then restart your computer and try to launch your program again to see if it works.

Why is my Microsoft Windows not responding?

Thus, a simple fix for applications not responding is to open less software on your taskbar and close some background processes. You can also close some background processes by right-clicking the taskbar, selecting Task Manager, selecting a background process and clicking End task.

What do you do when Microsoft Word isn’t responding but you haven’t saved?

If you had not saved the document, you may not be able to recover anything, but all you can do at the moment is kill the Word application and then re-start it and go to File>Info>Manage Versions>Recover Unsaved Documents and see if you can retrieve anything.

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What to do if Windows is not responding?

How to Fix Windows 10 not responding

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Troubleshoot your computer.
  3. Update available drivers.
  4. Run System File Checker.
  5. Run a virus scan.
  6. Perform a clean boot.
  7. Install Windows update.

What to do if PC is not responding?

End Task the not responding program Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open the Windows Task Manager. If the Task Manager can open, highlight the program that is not responding and choose End Task, which should unfreeze the computer.

What do you do if Microsoft Word is not responding?

Microsoft Word Not Responding. If you are using Office 2007 , and are able to open it without opening a file, then test running the office diagnostics tool. When Word opens, click the Office logo at the top left, then click Word Options. In the resources section run the Microsoft Office Diagnostics by clicking Diagnose. Follow the wizard.

How to fix MS Word not responding?

Add-ins Must be Disabled.

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  • Use MS Office Application Recovery.
  • Use EaseUS Recovery Software.
  • Protect Your System from Malicious Virus or Malware.
  • Avoid Unexpected Power Surge to Your System.
  • Never Close the Word Document Without Saving.
  • Device Drivers are Incompatible.
  • Why is my Microsoft Word not working?

    Boot Windows into Safe Mode.

  • Create a new Windows profile.
  • Set Word to Power Saving mode.
  • Remove recently installed software.
  • Check the graphics card driver.
  • Disable hardware acceleration.
  • Uninstall the Microsoft Office completely and reinstall it.
  • How do I restart Microsoft Word?

    For PCs Choose the Run option from the Start menu. This displays the Run dialog box . In the “Open” box, type in “regedit.”. Click “OK” to start the Regedit program. Press the Delete key. A prompt will ask if you really want to delete the key. Close the Registry Editor. Restart Microsoft Word. It should now be restored to default settings.