What happens if Borewell is not used?

What happens if Borewell is not used?

If left open, unused borewells can lead to rapid contamination of the ground water as they allow contaminants directly into the aquifers.

What are the disadvantages of Borewell water?


  • bore wells deplete groundwater resources.
  • they do no recharge ground water.
  • if they don’t work properly people leave them openly which r very dangerous for children. we r seeing regularly in T.V that children are falling in bore wells and losing their lives.

Why is my bore water muddy?

You might have got a sheared and fractured zone as your yielding zone for the bore well at any depth. The crushed and powdered sheared zone will dissolve the loose clay like soil when the ground water enters into bore well and this powdered particle will come out as mud while you pump out the water.

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How can we protect Borewell?

Slotted PVC casing pipes are used if aquifer yields through sandy zones to protect collapse of borewell side walls and to prevent entry of fine sand into the borewell which might clog the borewell.

How long does a bore well last?

As a general rule of thumb, a properly installed and sized borehole should last 8-10 years. If you have only just installed a borehole, you’re likely to see years of service from your current equipment. This is extendable with good care and frequent maintenance.

Can I drink my bore water?

Bore water should never be used for drinking, cooking, watering edible plants or filling up swimming pools unless it has been tested by a specialist laboratory. Specific advice should be sought from Scientific Services of the Department of Health.

Who invented Borewell?

By late 1970s, borewells started replacing open wells. They became popular in cities because of the perception that borewell water was cleaner and would be available even during summers. But what borewells did was spur a culture of exploiting water.

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How do you stop Borewell collapse?

Borewells usually have casings, to prevent the borehole from collapsing. The casing pipe is made of galvanised iron or PVC, and part of it would be visible above the ground. It is installed till the depth at which hard rock layer starts, and is usually 4, 6, 12 or 24 inches in diameter.

How can I make my Borewell water clear?

Borewell water can only be purified using a RO water filter. An RO water purifier effectively removes salts and minerals like – Arsenic, Fluoride, Sulfate, Sodium which are bad for our health along with heavy metals which are largely found in borewell water.

How long do boreholes last?

8-10 years
As a general rule of thumb, a properly installed and sized borehole should last 8-10 years. If you have only just installed a borehole, you’re likely to see years of service from your current equipment.

Is it safe to drill a new borewell near a neighbour?

Drilling a new borewell nearby runs the same risk of being connected with the neighbour’s borewell. It is better to drill further in the same bore well. Since there is some water at a great depth in the well, it is worth lowering the pump to 1-1.5 m above the well bottom and pumping out water.

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How can borewell water in a bore of 350 feet deep not get polluted?

The borewell water in a bore of 350 feet deep cannot also get polluted by this water because the soil bacteria will purify the pollutants.

How far apart to connect two borewells?

One borewell is connected to another 6 ft away contaminated from sewage lines passing nearby. Any suggestions? The contamination will move towards the new borewell also as there is a direct linkage which was established while drilling itself.

Is there any contamination in a bore well?

Contamination depends on, how the bore well is constructed. If the bore well is provided with deep casing pipe and the static water level is much deeper and the gap between the bore well casing and annular space is grouted with clay or cement then the possibility is very very less or nil.