
What happens if Alistair kills the Archdemon?

What happens if Alistair kills the Archdemon?

If you eliminate Alistair from the equation by saving Loghain, Loghain or the Warden does the Ritual and either one can kill the Archdemon. You can make Alistair king before the final battle but if he kills the dragon, he’ll die and the throne defaults to Anora.

Can Riordan kill the Archdemon?

Riordan has told the Warden that when an archdemon is slain, its essence will pass on to possess the nearest darkspawn, making the archdemon essentially immortal. To put an end to the Blight, a Grey Warden must strike the fatal blow, causing the essence to be drawn into the sacrificial Grey Warden and killing both.

Is Flemeth the Archdemon?

Flemeth in her Dragon form V. Archdemon. In Origins Flemeth the Witch of the Wilds has the ability to change her form into a High Dragon. And the Archdemon is an Old God corrupted by the Blight.

Can you win the Landsmeet?

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Winning: If you win the Landsmeet, Loghain will accuse everyone of being traitors and refuse to give up power, and you can either directly challenge him to an honorable duel or simply attack.

Should I drink from the well of sorrows?

Morrigan identifies the Well as the “key” to the resident eluvian and partaking from it will render it useless to Corypheus. She makes no secret of her desire to drink from it, believing that she is the most qualified to preserve its knowledge. Either Morrigan or the Inquisitor can drink from the Well.

Can an elf marry Alistair?

You can only marry him and become Queen-consort if you are a Female Human Noble. On the other side, if Alistair is “hardened”, you can still convince him to go on with the relationship by telling “nobody can force the King to make things he doesn’t want to”.

Can I romance Morrigan in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Morrigan will be a character in the game, BUT not one of the 12 available companions so she cannot be romanced either.

Will the Hero of Ferelden ever return?

The protagonist of Dragon Age: Origins, known as the Hero of Ferelden, is officially retired and will not return in any upcoming title. Dragon Age: Origins, like other BioWare titles, is a game about choice, and players were ultimately given the decision to sacrifice the protagonist in order to save the world.

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Which old God is Flemeth?

Flemeth is an Old God herself, having been created in a ritual similar to the one used to create the OGB. Perhaps the ritual was originally less refined, not allowing the Warden who delivered the final blow to survive and only trapping the soul.

What did Flemeth take from Kieran?

Moved by Morrigan’s love for her son, Flemeth takes the Old God soul from Kieran but otherwise leaves him be. Before she departs, Flemeth tells Morrigan that she could never possess an unwilling host and that Morrigan was never in any danger from her.

Does anora execute Alistair?

If Loghain dies, Anora — as sole ruler — will not execute Alistair even if he kills Loghain; instead, she has him renounce all claims to the throne.

Is anora a bad queen?

She is a bad Queen who only remains in power and good standing because she ‘lead Ferelden through the Blight’. She rides off the Warden’s accomplishments in order to save face.

What can the arch demon do?

Speaking of that, let’s handle the archdemon attacks. It can do some pretty standard dragon stuff. It can grab a fighter and basically just kill him unless a mage breaks the attack. It can use its wings to knock everyone back. It can do general swipes too.

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What are the capabilities of an archdemon?

Archdemon capabilities. The Archdemon is immune to the effects of Charm, Confusion, Fear, Knockdown, Slip, Stun. The Archdemon has some very powerful attacks, including Massive Attacks from the side, Cleave from the front, and Sweep from the back.

How do I beat the Archdemon?

If you’re moving quickly, then you should be able to just keep firing until it dies. If you get stalled for a moment, then it might retreat again and do a bit of a last berserk before it dies. Just keep your distance, keep that rogue alive, and keep up the fire. The archdemon should die and the final decision should play out.

What is the difference between an arch demon and darkspawn?

—From Codex entry: Archdemon. Archdemons possess an intelligence far beyond the average dragon and are purely evil creatures. Most of the time, the darkspawn are organized as a simple hive-mind, concerned only with expanding the horde. They rarely appear on the surface, except in raids and small invasions.