
What happens if a bruise gets infected?

What happens if a bruise gets infected?

You have signs of infection, such as: Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness. Red streaks leading from the bruise. Pus draining from the bruise.

How do you treat an inflamed bruise?


  1. Rest the bruised area, if possible.
  2. Ice the bruise with an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Leave it in place for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat several times a day for a day or two as needed.
  3. Compress the bruised area if it is swelling, using an elastic bandage. Don’t make it too tight.
  4. Elevate the injured area.

Can a bruise turn into something serious?

Bruises may be serious, and require medical care when bruising: Has not improved at all, or has gotten much worse, after a week. There could be a larger accumulation of blood, called a hematoma, under the skin. In some cases, a hematoma will need medical care or may clear up on its own.

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When should you see a doctor for a bruise?

When to Seek Medical Care Call the doctor if bruising occurs easily or for no apparent reason. Call the doctor if the bruise is painful and under a toenail or fingernail. Call the doctor if a bruise does not improve within two weeks or fails to completely clear after three or four weeks.

Can a bruise have pus?

If you notice pus, a fever, increased swelling or pain, or an increase in size of the bruise or hematoma, call your doctor—these are signs of infection that should be treated right away.

Do bruises get worse as they heal?

Bruising takes on many colors as the body works to heal an injury. It is normal for a bruise to change color over time. A person can expect about four phases of colors to a bruise before it fades away. If a bruise does not fade, becomes worse, or other issues accompany it, a person should consult a doctor.

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Can a bruise cause a blood clot?

As a result, people may confuse the symptoms of bruises with those of hematomas or certain types of blood clots. Bruises may appear red at the point of trauma before turning blue, black, or purple. As bruises heal, they will typically progress to a yellow or green color before turning brown as they begin to fade.

How to heal a bruise quickly and naturally?

Fruit — Vitamin C is essential for healing bruises, and it’s a main component in many fruits and vegetables. It helps collagen form and heals damage to bones. Vitamin C also helps heal bruises and wounds. Vitamin C foods include citrus fruits, strawberries, papaya, guava and kiwi.

What is the best treatment for a bruise?

Arnica montana is a homeopathic remedy touted to help relieve pain and reduce swelling and discoloration due to bruises.

  • Apple cider vinegar is reported to increase blood flow to an injury,thus breaking up blood clots in bruised areas.
  • Epsom salt baths relax muscles and can help reduce pain and swelling associated with bruises.
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    Is a bruise still considered an injury?

    A bruise is a traumatic injury of the soft tissues that results in breakage of the local capillaries and leakage of red blood cells. In the skin, bruising can be seen as a reddish-purple discoloration that does not blanch when pressed upon. This discoloration leads to the classic “black and blue” appearance.

    When to worry about a bruise?

    Talk to your doctor if your bruise hasn’t healed within two weeks. Severe sprains and fractures can cause bruising, along with swelling and pain. In most cases, a bruise is a minor problem that will heal quickly. For more information on bruising and blood spots and how to treat a bad bruise, find a doctor at UPMC.