
What happens after last set of Invisalign?

What happens after last set of Invisalign?

The Invisalign® treatment straightens your teeth using special sets of clear aligners over 12 to 18 months. After finishing with the last tray, you will have to put on retainers as your cosmetic dentist recommends. These retainers are what prevent your teeth from going back to their original spots.

What happens if you are not happy with your braces results?

If this happens and you find that the results you achieved during treatment have started to fade, schedule an appointment with your orthodontist to see what the best course of action is. For some patients if the movement is only minor, returning to retainer wear may correct it.

Can you switch orthodontists when you have Invisalign?

Most patients remain with the same orthodontist throughout the entirety of their treatment plan, but yes, switching orthodontists during braces or Invisalign is possible! Switching to a new orthodontist can sound overwhelming!

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What are refinements after Invisalign?

Invisalign refinements are essentially extra sets of trays meant to “refine” your treatment. Invisalign treatment typically takes about 12 to 18 months to complete. During this time, you need to wear your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day, regularly clean them, and switch your trays on time.

What is the second stage of braces?

What is Phase 2 Orthodontic Treatment? Phase-Two orthodontic treatment is what most of us are familiar with. Phase-Two occurs when braces are placed on the upper and/or lower teeth. Not only does this phase correct spaces and ameliorate misaligned teeth, but it also corrects overbite or underbite concerns.

What if I move in the middle of Invisalign?

Let Your Current Orthodontist Know You’re Moving This happens all the time, so they will be able to advise you on what steps you should take next. You will have to schedule a final appointment with your current ortho to get things lined up for the transfer. Make sure to ask questions about the transfer process.

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How do you tell your dentist you are leaving?

If they ask why you’re leaving, be honest and let them know your reasons. Remember, it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it. Make sure it’s a polite interaction. If you feel they will find out anyway once they’re asked to release your dental records, you’re right.

How do they pop off Invisalign retainers?

That’s how they pop it off. But then, they pull it off holding the Invisalign from all the way from the back. And what happens is the retainers bend right around the canine area. What you have to do instead is you have to work your thumb forward and ease it out. If you bend it like this, it’s eventually going to crack where it bends.

What happens after my Invisalign treatment is completed?

Once your clear Invisalign treatment is completed, patients come out with a beautiful new smile that has taken over a year to receive. But it is not over yet. In order to keep that beautiful smile, patients have to continue with the orthodontic aftercare process.

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How long do Invisalign retainers last?

If the aligners were to break, of course, you get a new one in two weeks. But the retainers, you want them to last at least 5 to 10 years—or even longer. They always tend to break right around here where it fits right into your canines—not in the front that’s capping your incisors, not in the back where the molars are.

What happens if you don’t clean your retainer properly?

If the retainer is not cleaned properly, they have a tendency to turn yellow or gray, which can affect the appearance of the teeth. Also, since the plastic retainers go over the teeth, they are not able to come together naturally.