
What happened to Android 17 in the Tournament of power?

What happened to Android 17 in the Tournament of power?

#17 dies when Cell self-destructs in a failed attempt to destroy the Earth, being resurrected with the Dragon Balls after Cell’s defeat along with all of his other victims and having his bomb removed by a wish from Krillin.

Does Android 17 fight in the Tournament of power?

He is asked by Goku to join Team Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power and due to Goku and Frieza’s sacrifice to take out Jiren, he is left as the sole fighter remaining by the end of the tournament making him the winner, and thus the one who gets to make the wish on the Super Dragon Balls.

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Is Android 17 strong Super Saiyan blue?

Prior to the tournament, 17 forced Goku to go Super Saiyan Blue, which is a strong indication of just how powerful he is. Apparently, he has enough power to rival someone who possesses divine energy. This feat means that 17’s strength eclipses that of most Z-Warriors and even Majin Buu.

Are Android 17 and 18 still androids?

He then kidnapped them and restructured them into Android 18 and Android 17. However, despite being referred to as androids or cyborgs and commonly regarded as such, both Android 18 and her brother are practically neither.

Does Android 17 deserve to win the tournament of power?

Read on for more reasons as to why Android 17 deserved to win the Tournament of Power. When Goku was searching for strong fighters to represent Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power, his search brought him to Android 17 who had changed a lot since his time in Dragon Ball Z.

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How does Android 17 become Super 17 in Dragon Ball GT?

Android 17 takes on the form of Super 17 in Dragon Ball GT when he fuses with his duplicate Hell Fighter 17. In the Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game, Android 17 has the power to transform into Super 17 without Hell Fighter 17, and takes on a different appearance: he gains purple shoulder pads, his eyes go yellow,…

Is Android 17 better than Piccolo in tournament of power?

Android 17 came a long way to become the Tournament of Power’s breakout star. He was previously on par with Piccolo during the timeframe of the Cell Saga, but it’s become apparent that though both characters have improved a lot since then, 17 is several levels above him.

Why is androidandroid 17 so popular?

Android 17 was many fans’ favorite character throughout the Tournament of Power. While the character has had certain popularity before, the “Universal Survival” arc of Dragon Ball Super helped put the character on the map.