
What happened to Andrew at the end of Shutter Island?

What happened to Andrew at the end of Shutter Island?

We’re shown in the Shutter Island ending that insanity took Andrew over, and he shot Dolores dead. Andrew goes completely insane and his mind is unable to face what he’s done. He is admitted in Ward C at the psychiatric facility (Ashecliffe) at Shutter Island.

Was Andrew really crazy in Shutter Island?

He’s a patient in a mental hospital who’s been encouraged by his psychiatrist to act out his delusion in the hope that this will dispel it. The role play fails: after a brief recovery, Andrew relapses into insanity and is therefore taken off to be lobotomised.

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Who is Dolores in Shutter Island?

Michelle Williams
Shutter Island (2010) – Michelle Williams as Dolores – IMDb.

What does 67 mean in Shutter Island?

He explains that Andrew Laeddis is an anagram of Edward Daniels and that he murdered his wife, who is Dolores Chanal (an anagram of Rachel Solando), two years ago after she drowned their 3 children. This is the answer of the code “the law of 4” and Laeddis is the 67th patient at Ashecliffe.

What happened at the end of Shutter Island?

The ending of Shutter Island seems ambiguous to many people, but again, to me it was pretty clear-cut. Teddy wakes up to the reality that he is actually Andrew Laeddis, though he is warned by Dr. Cawley and Dr. Sheehan that he has regressed into his fantasy world before.

Who is the real patient 67 in Shutter Island?

DiCaprio’s character is actually Andrew Laeddis (a.k.a. patient 67), a disturbed inmate of Shutter Island who the doctors are trying to rehabilitate. Dr. Sheehan. Cawley and Sheehan are the more sympathetic doctors, who believe that with therapy and compassion madness can be cured in someone like Andrew Laeddis.

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Why did Andrew commit a lobotomy in Shutter Island?

If Andrew is sane, then committing himself to a lobotomy because he can’t deal with the monster he’s become turns “Shutter Island” into a haunting tragedy.

Is Teddy from Shutter Island a real person?

Only Teddy is not a real person but a delusion created by inmate Andrew Laeddis. The ending of “Shutter Island” reveals that DiCaprio’s character is a patient himself, committed to the Shutter Island facility after murdering his wife (Michelle Williams) because she went insane and killed their children.