What good things did the Empire do Star Wars?

What good things did the Empire do Star Wars?

The Empire did a lot of good things:

  • The senate was corrupt and complacent, letting Naboo suffer for no reason. The Empire ended the senate and brought stability.
  • Corporate power was greater than the power of the senate (See point 1).
  • The Jedi were arrogant peace keepers.
  • The Separatists try to leave the Republic to.
  • What good things did the Empire do?

    It touched nearly every world in the galaxy, claiming billions of lives and ruining billions more. The rise of the Empire marked the first period of peace and stability in the galaxy that many could remember at the time.

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    What bad things did the Empire do in Star Wars?

    Star Wars: The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

    1. 1 Blowing Up Alderaan.
    2. 2 The Destruction Of Jedha & Scarif.
    3. 3 Slavery.
    4. 4 Sterilizing Geonosis.
    5. 5 Kidnapping And Eliminating Force-Sensitive Children.
    6. 6 Operation: Cinder.
    7. 7 Razing Planets For Their Resources.
    8. 8 Killing Their Own Soldiers & Officers.

    Who is good in Star Wars?

    Read on for our list of the best Star Wars characters, from cruel Imperial footsoliders tright up to the number one slot.

    1. Han Solo.
    2. Darth Vader.
    3. Luke Skywalker.
    4. Princess Leia.
    5. Chewbacca.
    6. BB-8.
    7. Boba Fett.
    8. R2-D2.

    Are the Jedi really the good guys?

    They act as peacekeepers and preach understanding and non-aggression. They aren’t all-knowing or necessarily competent by the time of the Clone Wars but it is dark side users who are the ‘bad guys’. They kill, enslave and dominate. You aren’t right if you’re a Jedi but you aren’t necessarily evil either.

    Are there any good guys in Star Wars?

    “Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way … including their quest for greater power,” explains the soon-to-be Emperor Palpatine to the future Darth Vader.

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    Is the rebellion good in Star Wars?

    The Rebel Alliance stood bravely against the evil of the Galactic Empire, never backing down despite overwhelming odds. Formed from resistance movements that arose during the Clone Wars, the Rebellion worked in secret for decades to overthrow the Emperor and restore democracy to the galaxy.

    Who is the bad guy in Starwars?

    1. Darth Vader. Darth Vader is almost universally regarded as the greatest film villain of all time. It’s safe to say that without Vader, there would be no Star Wars franchise.

    Why were the Empire the Good Guys of Star Wars?

    20 Reasons Why The Empire Were Actually The Good Guys Of Star Wars. 1. The Rebellion sees alien species as expendable. 2. The morality of the Jedi creates villains. 3. The Empire coexists peacefully with aliens. 4. The Rebellion didn’t have galaxy-wide support. 5. The Empire brought about a

    What happened to the Empire in the Star Wars universe?

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    The Empire stood virtually unchallenged until numerous insurgent cells united to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic in 2 BBY. The Galactic Civil War ensued with the theft of the Death Star plans on Scarif which, in turn, led to the destruction of the Empire’s superweapon at the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY.

    Why did the empire always seem to kill the rebels?

    Even in the movies the Empire is shown mostly hunting down the rebel forces and that is because the rebels are radically trying to restore a defunct, opposing government by blowing up strategic military installations and killing Imperial armed forces.

    Why does the Galactic Empire have 6 spokes?

    Galactic Empire When Sheev Palpatine formed the Galactic Empire, he adopted a different version of the Galactic Republic’s crest. The new cog with six spokes was used throughout the organization. It’s visible on uniforms, flags, and even propaganda posters.