
What forms of triangulations could they manifest themselves?

What forms of triangulations could they manifest themselves?

It is also a form of splitting in which one person manipulates a relationship between two parties by controlling communication between them. Triangulation may manifest itself as a manipulative device to engineer rivalry between two people, known as divide and conquer or playing one (person) against another.

Do only narcissists triangulate?

Anyone can use triangulation, not just people with a narcissistic personality disorder. You can see children and adolescents do it in school and on playdates in particularly obvious and hurtful ways.

What is triangulation in a relationship with a narcissist?

A common form of triangulation is the narcissist creating a love triangle. This means they will bring in another lover or ex and they try to create a situation in which you compete against this other person for the narcissist’s attention and love. A narcissist loves drama, emotional responses, and attention.

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What is triangulation and how does it work?

Triangulation is a form of control; disregarding the triangulation efforts lets the narcissist know that this is not an effective or healthy way to deal with others. Doing so could result in a discard though, as the narcissist will have no further use for you.

Who is the third person in a narcissistic conversation?

The third person may be someone you know – maybe a sibling. But often, the third person will be someone you don’t know well, or even at all – perhaps someone from their past. This technique isn’t unique to narcissists – although triangulation and narcissism often go hand-in-hand.

What is tritriangulation and how can you avoid it?

Triangulation is a manipulation strategy in which one person doesn’t communicate directly with another person, but rather uses a third person for communication to the second person, thereby forming a triangle. For victims, it could become a negative vicious circle of being involved in gossiping, comparing, and feeling envious.