
What does your girlfriend want in a relationship?

What does your girlfriend want in a relationship?

If your girlfriend wants to be in a serious relationship, then she’s going to want to be able to trust you enough to be able to open up and be with you. However, some guys make the mistake of killing the trust in the relationship by being insincere, constantly lying, and cheating on their girlfriends.

How do I tell my girlfriend how much I love her?

You make sure that you tell your girlfriend how much you love her as often as you can. You tell her how beautiful she is all the time. And you call her “honey” and “angel” and other pet names whenever you can. If you find yourself doing this all the time, check yourself.

Why is my girlfriend so controlling all of a sudden?

This is usually because your girlfriend feels insecure and worries about what others will say to you about her. You may notice that nothing you ever do seems to be good enough. If your girlfriend is constantly criticizing you so that you feel as though you are far from perfect for them, this can be a sign of very controlling behavior.

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Why does my girlfriend get tired of me so easily?

Your girlfriend, being a woman full of feminine energy, needs to be around a masculine man who is strong and confident and certain. If you start projecting uncertainty, weakness and fear around your girlfriend then she’s going to feel drained and worn out by you very quickly.

She wants a guy who is more masculine in his energy, behavior and approach to her. He loves her way more than she loves him. That’s not the kind of relationship she wants. She want a guy that she is madly in love with and is a challenge for her to maintain the interest of. Do any of the above apply to your relationship with her?

Why does my girlfriend say I should find someone else?

She doesn’t agree though because he has been unable to attract her in the ways she really cares about. So, if your girlfriend is saying that you should find someone else, it’s most likely because you haven’t been able to attract her in the ways that she really cares about.

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What if a guy doesn’t know how to get his girlfriend out?

Another example is where a guy doesn’t know how to get his girlfriend out of a bad mood (e.g. when she’s throwing a tantrum, feeling irritated by him and complaining about little things) and make her smile, laugh and feel girly around him.

What does it mean when your girlfriend changes her personality?

When your girlfriend’s personality suddenly changes to a more reserved type, your girlfriend is likely feeling anxious about her unfaithfulness and is doubting her commitment. She’s probably thinking and plotting her every move and trying to hide her infidelity by acting “natural” – the way she usually is.

Do you get comfortable with your girlfriend?

However, over time there’s a strong possibility that you started to get complacent and comfortable with your girlfriend. You might have started to let your girlfriend make decisions for you. You might also have started to project more uncertainty about your future and the direction your life is going.

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Are you getting lazy and Not Dating Your Girlfriend properly?

Whenever you find yourself getting lazy and not dating your girlfriend properly then you’re heading into dangerous territory. A lot of men assume that as soon as they’ve had sex with their girlfriend that their job is now done. All the hard work is out the way. They can now kick back and relax.

What are the signs of a good girlfriend?

You know the types who want to mold you into Mr. Perfect. There may be a few things that need fixing, but a great girlfriend adjusts to imperfections and can accept the fact that your hair style is a little bit different or that your weight is over or under a certain limit. 6. She has no problems with her own body image.