
What does ups and downs mean in a relationships?

What does ups and downs mean in a relationships?

Each time you move through the highs and lows of coupledom, Love explains, you reach a deeper level of love. “The ups and downs create an intimacy that energizes you and takes you beyond even the apex of your first falling-in-love buzz.”

Is it normal to have ups and downs in relationships?

Every relationship has its ups and downs. It is inevitable, really. All of these things are out of our control, and, as significant as they are, we may pay little attention to the changes as they become an intimate part of our every day life. …

What is a tumultuous relationship?

To define a tumultuous relationship or to be in a tumultuous relationship is to be like a ship sailing in a storm. It’s a turbulent relationship with a very uncertain future due to lots of disagreements and fights, ups and downs, and confusion.

What is the meaning of ups and downs in life?

Positive and negative events or experiences, considered collectively. Oh, we’ve had our of ups and downs, like any married couple. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

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What are some examples of ups and downs in marriage?

times of success, happiness, etc. and times of failure, unhappiness, etc: I suppose every marriage has its ups and downs. ♢ I’ve watched the ups and downs of his business with great interest. ups and downs. Good times and bad; life’s vicissitudes.

How do you use ups and downs in a sentence?

You are too clever a fellow, you are made of too good stuff, to spend your time in ups and downs over that class of goods. He was poking along through his ups and downs, and when he come to that place he went right along. He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl.

How can you think about the ups and downs and curves?

Perhaps you can think about these ups and downs and curves in the following way. Sometimes when you go on a trip you get directly to your destination with ease in a timely manner. The trip and the roads you take are as smooth as can be.