
What does tantalizing someone mean?

What does tantalizing someone mean?

transitive verb. : to tease or torment by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach.

How do you use the word tantalizing in a sentence?

Tantalizing in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Since I am on a diet, I must ignore the tantalizing smells coming from the bakery.
  2. My husband could not resist the tantalizing cookies cooling on the table.
  3. Although Jan is captivated by the tantalizing perfume fragrance, she cannot buy the scent because of her daughter’s allergies.

What does Tantalising love mean?

tantalise. (ˈtӕntəlaiz) verb. to tease or torment (a person etc) by making him want something he cannot have and by keeping it just beyond his reach.

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Is it Tantalising or tantalizing?

As adjectives the difference between tantalizing and tantalising. is that tantalizing is teasing; tempting, but beyond reach while tantalising is .

Can a person be tantalizing?

If someone or something tantalizes you, they make you feel hopeful and excited about getting what you want, usually before disappointing you by not letting you have what they appeared to offer.

What is another word for tantalizing?

What is another word for tantalizing?

alluring enticing
provocative provoking
teasing tempting
tormenting drawing
persuading beautiful

Is tantalizingly a word?

Meaning of tantalizingly in English. in a way that makes you feel excited and hope that you might get or do something, especially when this does not in fact happen: They came tantalizingly close to winning.

What words make you sound smart?

30 Words That Will Make You Instantly Sound Smarter

  • Cacophony.
  • Ennui.
  • Aquiver.
  • Glib.
  • Umbrage.
  • Non-sequitur.
  • Vamoose.
  • Ubiquitous.

What kind of conversation is a scintillating conversation?

A scintillating conversation or performance is very lively and interesting. You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age.

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What’s the opposite of tantalizing?

Antonyms: uninviting. Synonyms: tempting, alluring, tantalising, enticing, beguiling.

Why do people find tantalizing eyes attractive?

Something that is “tantalizing” excites the senses. So tantalizing eyes are very attractive and ignite desire and excitement. voilà. I missed it 0_0 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank. We’ve put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future.

What does tantalizing taste mean?

adjective having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire, especially that which remains unobtainable or beyond one’s reach: a tantalizing taste of success.

What does it mean when someone says you have pierced eyes?

You determine if that’s piercing or not. When someone says you have piercing eyes, it usually means that your eyes look sharp or ‘intense’, almost like they are looking through you. Some people find this uncomfortable, while others find it flattering. This expression is also used to describe a sharp and vibrant eye color or shape.

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What do your eyes tell others about you?

They say, your eyes are the windows to your soul. This sounds a little abstract and hard to quantify, but what do your eyes tell other’s about you. As you grow older, you learn to read the eyes of people you meet it is not something you set out to do, it just happens, and it’s not like reading a book it is far more intense than that.