
What does sitting in the hot seat mean?

What does sitting in the hot seat mean?

: the position of someone who is in trouble or is being asked many difficult or embarrassing questions When the company ran into financial trouble, it was the accountant who found herself in the hot seat.

What does it mean to say surviving on the hot seat in a presentation?

in a position where you are responsible for important or difficult things.

Which is correct in the hot seat or on the hot seat?

in/on the hot seat In a position in which one must face intense questioning, criticism, punishment, or scrutiny. The director will be in the hot seat today when he’s called before the congressional committee to answer for the recent scandal. You can bet you’ll be on the hot seat if the boss gets wind of this.

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What does he mean by stay cool in the hot seat ‘?

phrase. If you are in the hot seat, you are responsible for making important and difficult decisions. [informal] He is to remain in the hot seat as chief executive.

How do you spell hot seat?

Correct pronunciation for the word “hot seat” is [hˈɒt sˈiːt], [hˈɒt sˈiːt], [h_ˈɒ_t s_ˈiː_t].

Where you may be in the hot seat?

In a position in which one must face intense questioning, criticism, punishment, or scrutiny. The director will be in the hot seat today when he’s called before the congressional committee to answer for the recent scandal. You can bet you’ll be on the hot seat if the boss gets wind of this.

What is Hot Seat the game?

Hot Seat is the adult party game that’s all about you. ANSWER Everyone including the player in the Hot Seat writes an answer to the card in play on their answer pad from the perspective of the player in the Hot Seat. READ The player in the Hot Seat collects the answers and reads all of them out loud.

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Where did the saying on the hot seat come from?

Several sources trace the original use back to the 1930s, when the electric chair was still a favored form of capital punishment. The electrified chair at the end of Death Row soon became known as the “hot seat,” and prisoners who sat in it were about to face their ultimate punishment.

What does the phrase full of hot air mean?

Filters. (idiomatic) Talking a lot, especially without saying anything of value or meaning.

What does Hot Set mean?

In film, the term “hot set” refers to a film set that is being actively used. Hot sets are labeled to prevent anyone from moving or rearranging items around the set in order to maintain continuity during filming.

What are some good hot seat questions?

The Hot Seat

  • “What were your greatest disappointments in your life?”
  • “What would you do if you won the lottery?”
  • “If money were no object and you were guaranteed to be successful, what job would you do as a career?”
  • “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why?
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What does it mean to be on the Hot Seat?

in/on the hot seat. In a position in which one must face intense questioning, criticism, punishment, or scrutiny. The director will be in the hot seat today when he’s called before the congressional committee to answer for the recent scandal. You can bet you’ll be on the hot seat if the boss gets wind of this.

What does in the Hot Seat mean in Farlex?

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. hot seat, in the In a position of extreme stress or discomfort, as when subjected to harsh criticism. For example, When merger negotiations broke down, he was in the hot seat with the stockholders.

How long did Syd King spend in the Hot Seat?

He spent three years in the hot seat as the chief executive of south London’s Lambeth Council. Syd King was the club’s longest-serving manager, with 30 years in the hot seat.