What does purple half moons on fingernails mean?

What does purple half moons on fingernails mean?

Purple: This could mean poor blood circulation to that area or the rest of your body. It could also be accompanied by dizziness and/or difficulty breathing. Black: This is a serious sign of either heavy metal poisoning or heart disease. For medical advice if you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor.

Should I go to the hospital if my nails are purple?

If blue nails are not likely due to a low temperature, and the color persists, it is important to seek medical attention. Doctors will identify and correct the underlying cause of the cyanosis and treat it to restore optimal blood flow around the body.

What the color of your nail beds mean?

Healthy fingernails and toenails should generally be a pink color – with the healthy nail plate being pink, and the nail being white in color as it grows off the nail bed. Fingernail color and condition changes are rarely the first clue of serious illness.

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Why are my thumb nail beds purple?

Overview. Blue fingernails are caused by a low level or lack of oxygen circulating in your red blood cells. This condition is known as cyanosis. It occurs when there isn’t enough oxygen in your blood, making the skin or membrane below the skin turn a purplish-blue color.

Are lunula good or bad?

Small or missing lunulae usually aren’t cause for concern. They’re usually just hidden underneath the cuticle or skin at the base of your finger. In some cases, missing lunulae may be a result of trauma or a sign of: anemia.

What do nails look like with liver disease?

This condition, known as Terry’s nails, is especially common in people with severe liver disease. Additionally, nails that are half white and half reddish brown are called Lindsay’s nails, which is a condition that’s often associated with kidney disease.

What is the most common cause of cyanosis?

Cyanosis occurs when oxygen-depleted (deoxygenated) blood, which is bluish rather than red, circulates through the skin. Cyanosis can be caused by many types of severe lung or heart disease that cause levels of oxygen in the blood to be low.

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What causes cyanotic nail beds?

Blue fingernails are caused by a low level or lack of oxygen circulating in your red blood cells. This condition is known as cyanosis. It occurs when there isn’t enough oxygen in your blood, making the skin or membrane below the skin turn a purplish-blue color.

What happens if your nail is purple?

It is common for a nail to turn black after an injury. The black or purple-black color is caused by blood under the nail and will go away as the injury heals. Black, brown, or purple discoloration under a nail that has not been injured may be caused by melanoma.

What causes nail beds to turn purple?

This is because your body requires more oxygen. Therefore, it will take oxygen from other organs of your body including the fingers and the toes. This may results to purple color of your nail beds. A part from nail bed infection, anemia or low iron in your body may result to purple nail beds.

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What causes purple fingernail beds?

Poor circulation can cause purple fingernails.

  • If you smoke,you may have purple fingernails because the body becomes deprived of oxygen and takes it from areas such as your fingers.
  • If only one fingernail is discolored,you may have had an injury and broken blood vessels beneath the nail.
  • What causes fingernails to turn purple?

    Especially if you get manicures or pedicures regularly, your purple nail could be caused by infection. You will also notice swelling around the nail, throbbing pain and possible leakage of clear fluid or pus. You are also at risk for infection if you pick at or cut your cuticles.

    What does it mean if your nails are purple?

    If you’ve caught your finger in a door or dropped something heavy on your toe, chances are it’s turned purple as a result of broken blood vessels beneath the nail. This stops the blood from flowing naturally in the area and is called a “subungual haematoma”. In other words, it’s just a bruise under your nail and is nothing to worry about.