What does orange exclamation point mean in discord?

What does orange exclamation point mean in discord?

Unfortunately this means that the server has reached it’s online user cap. You will need to wait until the server is back online to continue using it.

What is the yellow exclamation mark in discord?

Cause: The Exclamation Mark appears when your speakers or headset are muted in your computer sound settings. This is a separate setting than any mute setting within the meeting window itself. This indicates your speakers or microphone is muted in your computer hardware settings.

What does the exclamation mark icon mean?

This symbol indicates that hazardous products with this pictogram can cause certain health effects for example, skin irritation, eye irritation, and/or. skin sensitization.

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What does red circle with exclamation mark mean?

The red circle with a red exclamation point means a message was not sent. If you scroll through the conversation, off to the left of at least one of the messages you will see this same icon, the red circle with an exclamation point inside.

How do I know if someone blocked me on Discord?

The user you’ve blocked will not be able to ping you or ‘@’ mention your username in shared servers. They will receive the error message as told in the first section if they do try to message you. However, the person whom you’ve blocked will be able to see when you are online, as well as read your messages.

Why does it say friend request failed on Discord?

Friend request failed, check your spelling. If you’re getting this error message when you’re trying to send a friend request to another Discord user, this indicates they might have blocked you.

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What does the exclamation mark look like?

An exclamation mark is a punctuation mark which looks like a straight line with a dot underneath it. It is used to show that an exclamation, an interjection or a statement sentence has finished.

What does being blocked on Discord look like?

Can I see who blocked me on Discord?

Select ‘Block. ‘ You will receive a confirmation alert saying that the user has been blocked. On blocking the person, they will be removed from your friends’ list, and all their messages in the server you share with them will be hidden.

What does the yellow and orange dots mean on Discord?

The yellow dot means the person is likely away from discord or just avoiding responding on discord. Kinda like AFK. Here’s what it means when you’re on Discord. TL;DR — The orange dot means that you’re idle on Discord or away from your keyboard.

What do the different status icons mean on Discord?

Discord has 5 status icons that are pretty simple representations of user status. They are as follows: Green = Online. Yellow = Idle. Red = Do Not Disturb. Purple = Streaming. Gray = Offline

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What are the different types of badges in discord?

1 Discord Nitro Badge. Someone with this badge subscribes to Discord Nitro! 2 Server Booster Badge. This user directly supports one of their favorite servers! 3 HypeSquad House Badges. 4 HypeSquad Events Badge. 5 Bug Hunter Badge. 6 Partnered Server Owner Badge. 7 Early Supporter Badge. 8 Discord Staff Badge.

What does the yellow dot mean on a text message?

But that’s only the slight difference base on perspective. The yellow dot means the person is likely away from discord or just avoiding responding on discord.