Tips and tricks

What does long coding mean?

What does long coding mean?

Long-coding is used to set various options in a Control Module. Some Modules require a valid Login before you can re-code them. You can move between bytes by using and buttons. Also you can jump to working byte by pressing on it in coding line or by pressing on byte number and entering needed byte number.

How can I reduce my code length?

Steps for reducing code size

  1. Ensure that you have built a stable application that compiles at -O2 or higher.
  2. Use performance analysis tools to isolate high activity code segments and tune for performance where appropriate.
  3. Use compiler options like -qcompact to help reduce code size.

Does it matter what you call a line of code?

As pointed out in other answers, it doesn’t matter what you specifically call a line of code as long as you are consistent. Intuitively, it seems that a 10 line program smaller than an 100 line program which is smaller than a 1000 line program and so on.

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How can I measure the number of lines of code?

It depends on what you’re trying to measure. The most direct way to count lines of code (LOC) is to, well, count lines of code. Our IDE tells us how many lines of text a file has and displays a count in one of the margins.

Is logical lines of code still useless?

Logical lines of code is still useless, but as least it’s not dangerously misleading. “Lines of code” should include anything you have to maintain. That includes comments, but excludes whitespace. If you’re using this as a productivity metric, make sure you’re making reasonable comparisons. A line of C++ isn’t the same as a line of Ruby.

How many lines of code is one line of code in Il?

One line of code in C# is often many more than one in IL. At the same time, IL does not include essential parts of our code. Interface definitions and abstract methods don’t compile directly to code, but they do contribute to complexity and human overhead.