
What does Joker say to Batman in Snyder cut?

What does Joker say to Batman in Snyder cut?

“He knows exactly what it’s like to lose someone he loves. You know, like a father, like a mother, like an adopted son. Isn’t that right, Batman?” That’s the line, spoken by Jared Leto’s Joker, that kicks off the conversation between him and Ben Affleck’s Batman in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

What does Batman’s dream mean Snyder cut?

The first is Batman’s “Knightmare” sequence where Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) dreams of an apocalyptic future filled with parademons and paramilitary in a world ruled by Darkseid (as seen by a glimpse of his “Omega” symbol on the Earth), and what’s worse, Superman (Henry Cavill) is now evil in this world.

Where is the Joker scene in Snyder cut?

Batman also drops an expletive. So be aware — the Joker scene comes at the end of the film and it contains mature language with messages about violence. Anyone looking to avoid that sort of content may want to stay away from the ending.

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Who is the flash at the end of Snyder cut?

By the end of the Snyder Cut, The Flash finds himself a more seasoned superhero as well as landing a job at Central City Police Department’s crime lab in his day job as Barry Allen.

Who is the joker at the end of Justice League?

Jared Leto
Chief among the many strange flaws of the film is Jared Leto’s portrayal of Joker, a comic book villain you may have heard of. By 2016, we had been blessed with several iconic screen performances of the Batman archenemy, including Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill, and of course the Oscar-winning Heath Ledger.

Is Joker in Batman vs Superman?

The director revealed that while Joker didn’t officially appear in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, he had hoped to do another DC movie after Justice League that would finally let Leto’s Joker square off against Ben Affleck’s Batman. That’s the thing I also felt like fans deserved from the DC Universe.

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How does Snyder cut end?

A further epilogue at the very very end of Zack Snyder’s Justice League returns to the Knightmare hellscape, this time in more vivid form as Batman and has formed a rogue team of rebels (including Cyborg, Mera, Deathstroke, Flash, and even Jared Leto’s Joker) to wade into the apocalyptic wasteland on Earth to undo what …

Is Joker in Snyder cut?

Despite being a major part of promotions for the HBO Max release of Justice League: The Snyder Cut, Jared Leto’s “We live in a society” Joker scene was ultimately cut out of the final version of the initial vision of the film.

What’s the difference between Justice League and Snyder’s the Snyder Cut?

Perhaps the biggest difference between The Snyder Cut and The Justice League is all the new footage. Reports say 80\% of the shots in Snyder’s movie are new. There’s also the addition of new characters like the Joker, and new story beats that flesh out the backstory for the Flash and Cyborg.

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What happened to the Snyder Cut?

A grassroots movement to release the Snyder Cut started to gain momentum. Whedon and others were accused of terrible things that occurred after the Snyders’ exit, including the despicable shrinking of the roles of people of color, most significantly Cyborg’s Ray Fisher.

How many hours is Snyder’s Justice League movie?

The cut was originally planned to be released as both a miniseries and a four-hour film, but plans for the series were scrapped by January 2021. The film is dedicated to Snyder’s daughter, Autumn, whom he lost during the original’s production.

What happened to Batman vs Superman 2?

His second movie, Batman vs Superman, while breaking records on the first weekend, ultimately tanked critically and at the box office. The higher ups felt as though the dark brooding thing wasn’t working anymore especially compared to the action comedy success of the growing juggernaut of the Marvel universe.