
What does it mean when a hamster has a bump on its eye?

What does it mean when a hamster has a bump on its eye?

Typically “lumps” around the eye in young animals are not serious problems. They can be due to conditions such as a “sterile” cyst, a hair follicle infection or even a disturbance of the glandular tissue near the eye.

How do you know if your hamster has an eye infection?


  1. Watery eye discharge (oozing, dripping)
  2. Prolonged discharge may become more purulent (pus-like)
  3. Sticky eyelids due to dried up discharge.
  4. Swollen eye (or face in severe cases)
  5. Redness around the edge of the eyelids.

Why does my hamsters eye look weird?

Ulcers. A corneal ulcer occurs when the eye gets scratched or irritated. Bedding rubbing on the eye and injuries from the cage and other hamsters are the most common causes of ulcers in hamsters. The eye may look cloudy and your hamster may be holding it shut or rubbing it regularly.

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Can hamsters get growths?

Benign tumors, which do not spread, are much more common in hamsters. Malignant tumors (or cancers), meanwhile, may develop in one location such as the hormone-producing glands or digestive system organs and spread into other body parts. Only four percent of hamsters suffer from malignant tumors.

How do you get rid of a hamster tumor?

Your veterinarian will likely recommend surgical removal of the tumor because tumors may grow and spread to other locations in the body. Surgical removal in the early stages improves the chances of full recovery.

Will a stye just go away?

In most cases you won’t need treatment for a stye. It’ll get smaller and go away on its own in two to five days. If you need treatment, antibiotics will normally clear up a stye in three days to a week.

How do I know if my hamster has a tumor?

Tumors may be seen on the skin or be located internally, in which case the only external signs are non-specific symptoms, such as depression, dullness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and diarrhea (with blood in some cases).

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How do you tell if a hamster has a tumor?

Can hamsters get eye infections?

However, just like us humans, hamsters can develop eye infections. In this article you are going to learn all about the signs, causes and treatment options for eye infections in hamsters. An eye infection is also commonly known as conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the outer layer of the eye.

What does it mean when a hamster has sticky eyes?

Stickiness: The condition is more consistent with older mature pets. For one reason, an older hamster sleep more and while its eyes are closed, they secrete fluids to keep them moist. Occasionally, there will be too much fluids secreted which will flow out from the eyelid and dry on the outside of the eyes.

How do you get a hamster to open its eyes?

Routine grooming should help remove any buildup and allow it to open its sticky eyes. If this doesn’t work, you can use a lukewarm wet wash cloth to gently loosen up the buildup. This will encourage additional grooming on the part of the hamster. Eventually the eyes will open.

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Why does my hamster have a lump on his mammary gland?

On the Mammary Glands. If these lumps grow fast or are hard to the touch, this could be a sign of tumor. Again, seek a diagnosis from a vet. Another type of lump on the mammary glad includes hamster mastitis. This involves swelling around the mammary glands due to a bacterial infection. It’s often caused during pregnancies and breast feeding.