Tips and tricks

What does it mean when a guy replies but never initiates contact?

What does it mean when a guy replies but never initiates contact?

Love Panky points out that when a guy replies to your messages but never initiates contact, there are many reasons for it, such as that he’s not interested in you or that he wants to keep things on a casual basis because it works for him. Yup, he can conveniently do less and just go with the flow.

What does it mean when a guy only texts you late at night?

He’s in the habit of texting you in the early hours, such as before bedtime or when he’s partying with his friends. At first, this seemed romantic because it meant that he was thinking of you. But if he only ever texts you late at night, it’s a red flag.

What does it mean when a guy says he’s not ready?

He makes a point of telling you that he’s not ready for anything serious. In some cases, this is admirable. Seriously, good on every woman and man who says, up front, they just want something casual. However, if he acts like you’re dating but still uses this excuse, he’s just leading you on while he waffles.

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What does it mean when a guy never talks about anything?

A guy who never talks about deep issues is clearly not serious about you or investing in your relationship emotionally. It’s not just what a guy texts, but how often he texts. While there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to how much texting is enough, it’s a red flag if he always leaves the texting up to you.

Why doesn’t he text me when he’s not interested?

Clearly he’s not showing you that he’s interested because he doesn’t care that he’s torturing you with his lack of response. It’s not just his texting habits when you’re not in the same room that can reveal his level of interest in you.

How do you know if a girl is interested in texting?

So, longer texts, well-written texts, proper spelling: those are all good signs. You may get a few overwhelming, long-winded texts. It’s a bad sign if a girl only texts you one word responses. If her texts become less excited, she may find the relationship less exciting. If her responses are flat, she may be busy.

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What does it mean when a guy keeps answering your texts?

If he just keeps going along with the status quo and answering your texts, he’s hoping that soon you’ll realize he’s just not into dating in RL. But hey, he gets some female attention and funny dog memes that you send him in the meantime, so it’s all good for now.